View Full Version : I cant take this anymore.

05-12-12, 19:40
Constant anxiety for no reason? Feeling of dread, nervousness, scared all for no reason? Persistent butterflies for no bloody reason??! Arrgh, i feel constantly odd like im just not myself. Im not happy anymore, i dont understand why i have these feelings, they just came on 3 months ago. As soon as i felt this way, i diagnosed myself with a brain tumour, i saw 3 doctors all who said i was fine and an optician. Yet i STILL have diagnosed myself with one. Why the hell would i feel this way? Its my brain, im telling you!
Im on 150mg sertraline as the out of hours doctor told me i am suffering from chronic anxiety. Also, im on propranalol (for migraines) but i take 3 a day now to help with anxiety. That does nothing. I just cant ever RELAX. Yea somedays are better than others, but i just cant understand why i am this way. It must be serious.

Im so fed up all i do is cry.

05-12-12, 20:06
Hi lovely.

I am so sorry you are suffering so badly. What you are suffering from is very real - people categorise anxiety as a psychological issue but there are so many physiological manifestations that are so hard to overcome.

Our brains tells us things sometimes in spite of the evidence. It's very difficult to turn those thoughts off and forget about them. For me, it is the chronic and persistent thought that something will happen to my Mum. In your case, it's health anxiety. But we're all in this together and we can all help each other.

Personally, propranalol did absolutely nothing for me anxiety wise. I know you said you were taking it for migraines and I hope they are helping that slightly.

I would seriously consider asking your doctor for something like dizapam (valium) for those days when you simply cannot relax. They help to relax your muscles and sedate you. Although some people take them long term, most doctors prefer to prescribe them as a short term resolution to chronic anxiety, but if the anxiety is interferring with your life to such a degree that you cannot function properly, it seems like a good idea to ask.

I've read some of your posts and unfortunately due to my lack of concentration I can't remember if you said you'd had CBT or were waiting for it. If it's neither, I would really recommend asking your doctor if you could be referred for it. It's a very common therapy used a lot for a variety of different conditions and can be very helpful in changing the way you think about things. I had it for a phobia five years ago and whilst it did not cure me completely, it has certainly helped me deal with it on a functional level - before I was completely consumed by it and had up to 15 panic attacks a day. Now I have them very rarely and when I feel one coming on, I can usually nip it in the bud.

Come and talk on here when you are feeling really bad. I find that if I find my anxiety rising, reading how others cope and helping those in need really minimises my symptoms - probably a form of distraction.

05-12-12, 20:08
You are not alone with this and I was the same 8 years ago and still get blips where I am the same again (really bad few days this week) Believe me it does get better, I know you can't see that at the moment but it will. Have you had any counselling? I think CBT would be good for you. :hugs::hugs:

05-12-12, 22:12
thanks for replies.
I was given diazepam for 9 days, 2mg i took 3 a day and my word they really did help me. However, my doctor refused to give anymore due to them being so addictive. So im on sertraline and propranalol only.
Whats made it worse tonight, my husbands been taken to hospital and my mum had a small stroke on friday, so im really feeling down in the dumps!

I start CBT friday. My mum and husband are both okay thank god, but its still scary to think they can just be taken from you in an instant.

06-12-12, 09:12
Sometimes there is no explanation and we just have to accept the anxiety. Some of us have problems in our past that cause these severe illnesses and others have it with no reason. Acceptance and perseverance will help you get through this. Now you know that your husband and mum are going to be OK, you can concentrate on yourself. Give your medication time. Don't Google. Keep sharing your feelings and thoughts with others, I find that a trouble shared - is, a trouble halved.