View Full Version : Dentist II

05-12-12, 19:59
I need to go to the dentist to get a long-term problem sorted out. I feel I may need some root canal work done, or similar

What worrys me is that I have read that the anaesthetic injections contain adreneline. And adreneline causes palpitations and panic attacks, right? My wife (who doesn't suffer from panic attacks) had a bad reaction to an injection, which left her with voilently shaking legs for several minutes afterwards!

Are my fears unfounded? are there alternative anaesthetics? I have had dental work done before with an injection without problem, but this was before I suffered from palpitations/panic attacks!

Any help or advice would be appreciated!

05-12-12, 20:22
Hi I suffer from panic attacks, fast heart beat and palpatations, and I have never had a problem at the dentists, I just always make sure I eat something about 2 hours before attending, as if you do not eat, the anaesthetics can make you feel a bit light headed . I do not know about alternative anaesthetics to be honest it would be interesting to see if there are any.

05-12-12, 20:36
Having had 2 of my wisdom teeth out in January, i can honestly say i was getting very nervous about this before hand. I can also say that there is such a small chance you will somehow react to the injection. I told my dentist i will take 2mg of diazepam before i came to see her or i wouldnt show up. She said it would be fine, many people do it and the chance of any reaction to the injection is slim and none. She was right of course!

You really have nothing to worry about, just make sure you eat and drink before you go :)

05-12-12, 21:34
There is a version without the adrenalin - I get this one - but you have to ask for it.

05-12-12, 21:39
I was just going to say the same as Nicola.I always have non adrenalin injections because of my medications and it is quite common practice,so don't worry.

06-12-12, 05:55
yesI was going to say the same as Nicola and Ricardo..
since suffering from panic attacks which got worse and worse over the years when going to the dentist i didnt realise what it was -only when i was having CBT panic and various falling apart at the seams! did I realise that was what happened at dentist too.C.B.T. helped a lot-but I still had to find a dentist AND GO THERE. I found one who knows about panic etc and is brilliant He was the one who said about the other injections -who wants more adrenalin when 'fight or flight' [panic] has kicked in? it took me a few visits before I had stuff done but it is a revelation!! the only thing i don't have is my teeth scraped/cleaned with the machinery-my dentist does it by hand. Honestly, I gave him a hug at the end of the first work he did. The other things I do are: listening to a c.d. of relaxation [any],make sure I breathe properly and probably 2 or 3 times as many rinses[dentists idea] So yes talk to your dentist and/or his receptionist i am now able to make appointments and go alone to the dentist:yahoo: [sorry it is a long one]