View Full Version : Chilblains. UGH.

05-12-12, 20:09
Hello guys!

I get chilblains really bad in the winter months. Six of my fingers are swollen, itchy all the time and ache already. I can barely bend them either lol. Is there anything that can help it? Or do I have to just wait until they heal naturally? Last time I had a chilblain on my index finger, it was there for like, 2 weeks.

06-12-12, 11:28
i've only ever had them on my feet & luckily not for long. yours sound bad so you must start taking care of your hands. i'm not sure what the tip is about helping them heal but i do know some stuff about preventing them.......

1. I believe a cause of chilblains is yours hands getting cold & then warming
up again - especially warming them too quickly. this is when the skin ends
up red & sensitive.
2. Keep your hands at an even temperature; dont let them get over cold.
3. ALWAYS wear good thick gloves in cool weather; Its essential to do this
when it's frosty and you must have the gloves on your hands BEFORE
you go outside. keep the cold air off them at all costs. the cold air stops
adequate blood supply to your fingers & will start the process off.
4. if your fingers do get cold they need to be warmed up GRADUALLY;
this is really important
-NEVER put them under hot water (if you must use water it
should be tepid otherwise it is going to damage your skin)
-NEVER put them next to a direct heat source e.g radiator
-ALWAYS warm them gradually - preferably with a natural heat source
e.g put under armpits or between legs or in your pockets (but NOT
when walking along or you may trip & be unable to break your fall).

When your fingers get extremely cold & then heat up - you'll notice they go red. Any time they have this redness or they feel sensitive - that is a trigger situation for chilblains - especially if it keeps happening. I believe it's this repeated process that causes them.

You need to really look after your fingers & hands.

Also apply moisturiser, dont let them dry out otherwise the skin can get splits in too.

Meanwhile - you need some form of lotion for the chillblains, i cant remember what it's called but your chemist would know. you must also immediately make sure you are kind to your hands as above otherwise it'll not get better.

let me know how you get on - & if you dont have them already get some gloves!!!! they are a must in cold weather if your hands suffer....

06-12-12, 16:05
Thank you for the help and advice Tessar! I really appreciate it. There has definitely been times where my hands are freezing and when I've gone to wash my hands, I use hot water. Never again! I think that's the only cause to mine, as I do everything else you mentioned not to do and to do.

They're a bit better now, they're not as swollen anymore and I can bend them now thankfully.

Again, thank you for taking the time to reply. :hugs:

27-12-12, 14:38
rls, did the chillblains get better?

29-12-12, 22:13
Yes they have Tessar! I have not had any in a while now. Your advice really helped, so thank you. :hugs:

29-12-12, 22:26
Tessar, What very good advice:hugs::hugs: