View Full Version : Here I go again....reassurance needed pleeeese!

05-12-12, 20:40
Hi all.
I had some blood test results last week and was told by one of the GPS
In the practice that I had an abnormal result with small red blood cells and I need to be retested in 3 weeks. Over the weekend I worked myself into a state. On Monday, I could stand it no longer and saw my usual gp, who told me it was infact my white blood cells were raised indicating an infection. I have has a cold for the past 7 days. I felt quite reassured after I saw her and was not too concerned about having to repeat my bloods. Since then, I have now decided I must have leukemia. I feel so pathetic and selfish, my poor family
must be so sick of me and my HA. Has anyone got any advice to share please?

05-12-12, 21:19
Hi Michelle,

Ive only ever had this issue with regards to iron in blood tests, i wouldnt worry hun, you say that you have been ill the last week which is prob the reason for the white cell count....
Try not to panic (i know its hard) until you have your next test and get the results...You maybe fighting a nasty flu, theres so many nasty things going around at the min....
Chin up, let us know how it went xxxx

05-12-12, 22:14
Thanks for replying. I am going to try and stop googling. I have read through some of the posts on the sticky 'dr google' thread and had a bit of a chuckle. Instead of googling my symptoms I am going to reread that thread. X

05-12-12, 22:18
you are just like me, i always think the worst. If i were in your shoes, id feel the same way so your not alone. I always worry about my health, i always have done. Im so scared of cancer, that i always convince myself i have it. Or that i WILL get it and be told its terminal. Its a fear. Nothing more and nothing less. If doctors were in anyway concerned, you would be re tested alot sooner. Please dont worry. Make a hot drink and relax. :)

06-12-12, 17:30
Well I lost it massively this morning and went into complete panic. Phoned the surgery and I was put through to one of the doctors. I babbled and sobbed my way through was I was frightened of (leukemia) and he told me that if my bloods were anyway near that kind of problem I would have been referred to an oncologist straight away, not told to have repeat bloods done in 3 weeks time. So I plucked up the couraged and asked how high my wbc was. He told me it was 11. I nearly screamed at him down the phone because even with my anxiety I know 11 is barely raised. I had visions of it being up near the hundreds!!! I really am going to try to learn from this. I am a control freak and I think i need to deal with and accept there is uncertainty in life. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. It is much appreciated.