View Full Version : going good at day 13

05-12-12, 20:58
hi im on my 13th day now and each day is getting better:yesyes: i find it alot better if your out with friends or doing somthing to keep your mind going this time last week i was a total mess my inlaws had to take me back to docs as i was that bad with anxiety :ohmy: the morning r still a bit rough with shakes and sickness but once im out of the house im finding myself forgetting about it and my week from hell the previous week as it scared me and thought that there was no way i was gona get better ...i hope it helps somone to read this and keep going i was at the lowest darkest place of my life i never want to b there again and hopfully never will as ive lost nearly 2 stone in just under 2 months ....it will work in the end

07-12-12, 23:25
Hi it's good when things start getting better! I hope u are still feeling good. Xx

07-12-12, 23:57
Hi leanne

Glad things are picking up for you.

I agree getting out of the house helps, I'm off sick at the moment but walk 5-10 miles 6 days a week just to get the fresh air and exercise, I find it therapeutic.


15-12-12, 16:25
yes, fresh air is really important

16-12-12, 18:57
Hi Leanne, I hope you are still feeling good. Is it your 4 week now? xxx

17-12-12, 21:12
yes still going good on my 4th week and went back to work yestaday feel back to my self thank god had such a ruff 1st 2 weeks never thought id feel normal again my message to any one is hang:yesyes: in there things will get better:D ..... my symtoms for the 1st 2 weeks were feeling sick ,dizzy,over thinking,not sleeping going to bed at 10 then toss and turn most of night then by 4 in the morn was wide awake,also i had a niggley headace with made the sickness worse ..THIS WAS THE WORST TIME OF MY LIFE I THOUGHT I WAS LOSING MY HEAD ....HANG IN THERE IT WILL GET BETTER.XXXXXX