View Full Version : I am new here

05-12-12, 21:17
Hi, I am Helen and I have been having panic attacks for the last 8 years. Have been on citapram for 1.5 years and am coming off them at the moment. Not good though, feel awful, very anxious, light headedness etc etc... Does anyone know how long these symptoms will last please? xx

05-12-12, 21:24
Hello I am also new on here, I am also embarrassed about being open about it I have had anxiety for 7 years and been on medication from the start I started in 40 mg citalapram then gradually went down to 10mg I was coming off it but I have just been made redundant and I am in a bad way again :-( trying so hard to fight it,on 20mg now and a 2 mg diazepam not sure if it's helping to be honest. My doctor told me to take every other day when I thought I was getting better have they said the same to you?

05-12-12, 21:28
Yes I am taking it every other day at the moment, still horrible though, it's that bad that I I am tempted to go back on them full time... Didn't think it would be this hard

05-12-12, 21:28
Hi Helen2004

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-12-12, 21:45

How are you feeling??
Im very anxious I have been given sertraline today iris the first meds I've ever had for anxiety and I want to start them tonight but I'm so scared of my symptoms getting worsen for the first couple of weeks. I have depersonalisation and can't cope as itis. :(

05-12-12, 21:50
Yes they can be worse for the next 2-3 weeks but once they kick in you will be fine x

05-12-12, 21:54
Welcome to the forums Helen. Do you still have as many panic attacks as you used to (before starting the medication)?

05-12-12, 22:11
No. They have stopped for the last 6 months hence why I am coming off the medication.

05-12-12, 22:41
That's good news then. :)