View Full Version : what is wrong with me....

05-12-12, 21:45

I just had to reach out here cause I am getting really paranoid about this now, i feel scared.
For some time I would occassionally feel like i am coming down with something. I would suddenly develop that vague feeling like you don't feel quite right, maybe slightly achey, maybebit cold, maybe a bit sickly, not nauseous but just like you gone off food, you can eat but you don't have desire for even things you normally can't resist. It would maybe last a bit and go away, I take my temperature and it's no different to other days.

My son has been having temperature for the past 3 days, it might be cold, or his teeth coming through, anyway i've stayed in with him since Sunday, barely slept for an hour Sunday night and Monday night i was waking up every half an hour or so checking on him. I did sleep a bit better last night, but now I feel like crap and I don't what's wrong with me. I was starting to feel rather depressed being stuck in the house, even working from home, just almost staying in pijamas all day,my partner has been wroking nights so either at work or sleeping. And was feeling achey when i get up cause I haven't been sleeping right. But today I started feeling more achey all over and it makes me feel just restless, my back is particularly achey, I am so scared something is wrong with me. I keep taking my temperature, i think i took it 20-30 times. I am really sorry about going into so much detail and I really appreciate anyone reading this to the end...:weep: The first time I took it something freaky happened, i use tympanic termometer, the one gps use. i took my temp and it said 38.5!!! :scared15: I was shocked cause i felt beaten up but not hot to touch or anything. I took it again in 20 secs and it went to 37.9, and 10 sec later to 37.3... what it usually is... i have takene it numerous times since. I know it says 37.5 is normal for temperature taken in your ear but I still keep thinking something is wrong with me. If I had a cold, fine, but i don't have any other symptoms apart from feeling beaten up, tired and not feel like eating. i was planning to sit down, relax and put a movie on and eat ice cream which I normally love but I don't even feel like eating that. But I don't feel sick or anything. I am also on my period which certainly doesn't help. I read someone saying somewhere oh they had bodyaches and chills and it turned out they had bad infection that needed hospital stay, so it really made me paranoid. I got this wierd spot behind my ear that's been there for ages, and won't go away, it doesn't even hurt anymore but it seems it still has stuff in so i keep thinking maybe it's that. I know it may sound crazy.
I have to go to some training for work tomorrow and cannot miss it cause I have been off sick before. I need to pull myself together but it seems like my mind is just sinking deeper. :weep:
Please, help....

05-12-12, 23:36
hey Mila,
I understand where your coming from, the thing is when it comes to anxiety the more you concentrate on your body/symptoms the more convinced you become that there truly is something wrong with you, therefore your symptoms become more severe. However if this keeps plaging you I would suggest you go and see your doc to put your mind at ease:hugs:

06-12-12, 01:57
Hi Mila,
I remember when i had my first anxieties and pAnic attacks and ended up at ER, the words i was telling doctors was - there is something not right with me, something is wrong but i dont know exactly what. I didnt even know then what is panic attack or anxiety, until much later...
I wish samebody told me then..
Exactly the same felings take over me now - years after and i am terrified, but i start repeating to myself hundreds of times that it is anx and above from bad back, headache, no breath, burning chest, foggy head, shaking all ober my body, palpitations for days non stop, not being able to keep any food in, feeling total zombie, having no sleep for days.... I am absolutely fine... :).

It doesnt go away right away - as fast as we want but eventually it will.
The change will be very very slow and its even better that way because you will appreciate it more.
Hope you are feeling different soon and not being bothered about trying to shake it off.
Take care

06-12-12, 17:08
Thank you both so much for your responses and support.
I woke up early this morning feeling like I got mild temperature and I did in one ear, how weird is that?? Anyway, took ibuprofen but didn't sleep again. Today I managed to get through a full day of training. I just don't know what is wrong with me...:-( I started feeling a bit tight in my throat and chest and slightly dizzy but now I don't have a clue what is me panicking and not sleeping or what's real.. I just feel all sorts of pains all over and keep wondering, maybe it's an infection somewhere or maybe I got flu...

Stands mum
06-12-12, 21:15
It sounds like you might just have a mild virus. There is so much going round at this time of year. Feeling achy and a bit odd/off are key symptoms, along with occasional temperatures - especially around 38 to 38.5. If your temperature goes up above 39 then maybe you have an infection.

It's so hard to let go of the anxiety I know, but try to relax - can you take a warm bath? That might help with they achy feeling. :)

09-12-12, 19:21
I just wanted to thank again to those who replied to my post.

I still can't figure out what is wrong with me, or if there is actually anything wrong with me.... which is the worse thing.

Past few days I would start the day feeling ok and then just start feeling so incredibly uncomfortable. On friday I just had to go and see the doctor, I was so freaking out. She didn't seem bothered, she listened to my chest and heart and looked at my throat and said i look ok so maybe it's a virus, there are viruses going round, even she got one, she said how she still feels dizzy from sneezing after 2 weeks. I told her I wish I was sneezing or having any symptoms that I can actually describe, so I would kjnow what's wrong with me. She said oh just go and rest and sleep, and drink orange juice....
She said I look like I need sleep, mentioning dark circles... who wants to be told they got dark circles :blush:

Anyway, now i really can't even decribe how i am feeling, i can't stand the cold, sometimes i can't seem to warm up, but then other times my face would feel flushed,like right now, it's like i can't adjust myself to temperature very well at the moment, i just keep taking my temperature, it doesn't seem to be high, but i am obssessed with taking it, sometimes goes up to 37.5 and i can't stop thinking i have something. I could wake up feeling fine and then would just start to have a feeling in my body i find so hard to explain, like some kind of muscle achy uncomfortable restless feeling, and stiffness and tension, sometimes tired, or just heavy... and i would get scared again, thinking what could be wrong with me.

I never thought i will ever say this but I really wish i was having a plain old panic attack like i did before so i would know what i am dealing with. I have been ok for so long that right now i find it so hard to deal with this, i can't figure out if something really is wrong with me or i am just misinterpreting things that are normal. I just want to curl up and cry but that would make me feel even more rubish... and i have to be back at work tomorrow. My partner keeps telling me it's all in my head, i am not sick cause i don't look sick and i don't act like i am sick,i am doing everything so how sick could i be. I am thinking about all the worse diseases out there, and C one and all....:weep::weep::weep:

---------- Post added at 19:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:16 ----------

....forgot to mention weird pains everywhere, on my right side under my ribs few times, opposite side as well, shooting pains in my back, same in my head, it would just come for a few minutes or so.
Am i going crazy?? I just wish I could get that all body scan !! But all the doctors i have mentioned my worries to have said i am ok, i should sleep, or i should exercize... i even bought myself a crosstrainer before this started, i hardly used it cause i am too scared to do any exercize now, i am scared i will feel exhausted and worse than i already feel....