View Full Version : Advice about newbie to insomnia/anxiety & Citalopram

05-12-12, 21:52

First time poster and newbie to this whole SSRI thing. I was wondering if anyone might have any insights into my situation:

3 months ago, before I turned 30, I started feeling lightheaded, lethargic and developed really bad insomnia. I thought it was a cold but eventually I started getting cramps, headaches and the insomnia just got worse. Three weeks later, I started having anxiety attacks - getting jittery, sweaty. I have NEVER felt this way before nor had I ever had sleep problems.

Long story short, a month later the day symptoms got a little better but I still felt nervous all the time and the sleep didn't improve. I couldn't even sleep on Ambien - kept waking up every 2-4 hours. So I finally decided to take Citalopram, starting with 10mg my first 4 days and 20mg since then.

A week after starting citalopram, the initial side effects went away and I was feeling much better during the day. It's now been 5.5 weeks on citalopram and aside from some muscle twitches/jerks here and there, I'm doing great during the day (no nervousness, reduced but not gone libido, no weight gain.)

However, my insomnia has not improved. I can fall asleep but not stay asleep. I stopped taking Ambien two weeks ago because I want to be able to sleep on my own and not rely on medication.

My doctor and I both thought that if I treated the anxiety or depression or whatever I was going through, the sleep would come back. However 5.5 weeks later, it has not. I feel like being able to sleep normally (without meds) would help put me back on track and recovery from anxiety/depression.

So my question is: Since the citalopram has shown really good improvement in all areas except sleep, does it make sense to up my dose from 20mg to 40mg? Or switch to a whole new SSRI? Or should I wait longer since it's only been 5.5 weeks? I was deathly afraid of taking SSRIs at the beginning but citalopram did not give me a horror story like it seems to have done for others and at 20mg (the low end), it seems to be working for everything - except the sleep.

Any thoughts, stories, etc... appreciated!

05-12-12, 21:59
Try Valerian for your insomnia, I took it all the time I was on Citalopram. It is available from health food stores and pharmacies.

good luck.

05-12-12, 22:01
Try Valerian for your insomnia, I took it all the time I was on Citalopram. It is available from health food stores and pharmacies.

good luck.

Thanks Bobby. Did you find yourself dependent on Valerian though? Did your sleep ever come back?

05-12-12, 22:28
I would say if Citalopram is helping, stick with it. I couldn't sleep when I first started it. It took a couple of months but I eventually settled into routine- I actually take my Cit in the evening as it helps best with my anxiety, and I generally sleep alright.

Citalopram can take anything upto 2/3 months before you feel the full effect, so in my opinion it would be unwise to come off or change it just yet

06-12-12, 09:00
Thanks Bobby. Did you find yourself dependent on Valerian though? Did your sleep ever come back?

I never became dependent of Valerian, it is herbal and I didn't have any side effects or withdrawal.
My sleep problems are ongoing, but I now take medication with sedating properties(mirtazapine/amitriptyline). When I was taking Citalopram the Valerian was a big help.

07-12-12, 00:14
I must be in the minority, Citalopram helped me sleep more naturally than any other drug.

However I recently tried Prozac for the second time which usually stops me sleeping but the Mirtazapine I've been taking for years at 15mg counteracted this. 15mg AFAIK isn't even a therapeutic dose, which is why I'm now also on Pregabalin for anxiety, Mirtazapine for insomnia.

By the way, I tried high strength Valerian as well as Trazodone a few months back, can't say it made any difference compared to Trazodone alone, but your experience may differ of course.
