View Full Version : Reducing Citalopram - Feel like a crazy nut job!!

06-12-12, 02:36
Been on Citalopram for 9 years.

Went from 40mg to 30mg a year ago. Tried going down to 20mg but found it difficult to cope with. So doctor recommended taking 20mg one day and 30mg the next. Its supposed to work out at 25mg supposedly. Has anyone tried this and what has happened?

Have had the usual symptons of nausea, dizzyness, aches, tiredness, itchyness.
The bad moods and swings of emotion from elation to depression. The rage, anger, hatred. Having no tolerence levels and no understanding of people. Paranoia, anxiety and if severe...panic! That is going to the very extreme, but it does happen. It just depends if I can control my emotions enough to stop me getting to that point.

Thats what I would call the dark side of me, the side that no one really knows and sees. The bad side that we all keep hidden away in ourselves that we fear. Trying to type this sounding like a normal human being, but reading it, it reminds me of going to the doctor and telling her all this, and trying to convince her (or more myself) that I'm not losing it.

After being on C for so long I wonder how long it will take my body to re-adjust? I realise we are all different. I have certain coping strategies which do or do not work, depending on how bad the mood swings are.

I'm totally in new territory here and have no idea how this will work out, whether the changes will subside or whether I will have to stick to 30mg for the rest of my life. I cannot go in this fluctuating state forever. I am prepared to give it 6 months, but even the several doctors I've had over the years seem to be clueless about the side effects of reducing and putting coping strategies in place to help deal with problems when they arise. The only real information and solace I've found is researching myself on the net and finding forums such as this one.

Anyone else feel like a crazy nut job on the reducing down slope thing? :doh:
