View Full Version : brain?? really worried.

06-12-12, 11:16
I can't get out of my head i have a brain tumour. I have constant vertigo when turn my head etc and i keep getting odd pressure in the side and back of my head which sometimes feels like burning. It seems to be worse when i go to bed at night as if its something pressing inside. My right arm and leg feel odd like weaker and like they have a mind of their own. I woke up at 6 this morning sweating but not all over just on my front chest part.
Gp's seem to think it's ear related because i was referred yesterday to an ent specialist.
I sit crying all day when my partners at work and everyone thinks i am being irrational but i really do feel something is up. I don't feel myself and have a headache in the same side as the pressure.
I have told all the docs about thinking its a tumour and they just dismiss it and say they don't think it's that. Even though no one has did any neuro tests or anything. I keep trying the tests on myself to test my balance etc.
Feel like i am losing my mind. I know i have been here before with other symptoms but i feel this time i really have got the big c and no one believes me :weep:

---------- Post added at 11:16 ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 ----------

Nobody? I also have earache in my left side as well.

06-12-12, 11:21
Maybe you have not had replies to this because you posted more or less the same before and have had replies. You need to trust the doctors. believe me you would have many other and worse symptoms if it was a tumour. i am sure it is what we spoke about yesterday.

06-12-12, 11:24
My friend I sympathise with u! I have and have had everything u have just said for 3 years ( if it was a tumor if be dead by now) I've been to many doctors that dismissed it and looks like they are right it's health anxiety! Just relax and do something u enjoy doing! Or set yourself a project

06-12-12, 11:26
I know i keep repeating myself and i apologise, its just because i am so worried and scared. I hate feeling like this you can't get it out of your head. Thanks annie.

06-12-12, 11:32
I understand how distressing it is for you. You have been referred to ENT and they will help you, like I said yesterday, it sounds very much like my son had. Inner ear problems can be scary because they effect your balance so much but you also have the added problems of high anxiety which is giving you more symptoms. please try to relax, you will be seeing the ENT soon...and if they had thought it was serious you would have been referred sooner and if it was more serious you would have a lot worse symptoms by now. Chill! :D

---------- Post added at 11:32 ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 ----------

Oh and don't apologise for repeating yourself...my husband often says to me "I have already told you...stop panicking"! :hugs:

06-12-12, 11:36
Thankyou. I get on my own nerves. I felt a bit more positive yesterday but i had terrible pressure/headache in the side of my head all night last night in bed and earache this morning so i am back to panicing. Wish i was just ok and could look forward to xmas with my partner and kids.

06-12-12, 11:40
You know that anxiety can actually cause these symptoms. I had terrible ear ache and like a pulsating sound in my ear and got so worried that it was serious. My doctor explained that when I get anxious the blood pumps around so quickly that it causes these feelings of pressure and noises in the ear. That was months ago and I am still here and the sounds have now gone because I took the reassurance from my doctor and stopped panicking about it.

06-12-12, 11:44
That's my problem i never take reassurance from my doctor because i think they are missing something. I have had this pressure/headache/burning in the side of my head for 7-8 days now.

06-12-12, 11:47
Because you are really anxious. hopefully you will get your ENT referral soon and then you can start to feel better.

06-12-12, 12:30
I also have these symptoms. And I to worry its a tumor have done for ages! The doctor says the same to me. I just try to think like Annie said that there would be other symptoms and also these symptoms in the head we get can be our anxiety playing with us. Tension headache and pressure from the worry as we constantly think and analyse x

06-12-12, 13:49
It's the vertigo that's worrying me. I just went to get up and everything was spinning and it's still happening now 10 days later. 1st doctor said positional vertigo, next said labyrinthitis and next referred to ent. And also earache/headache/pressure all in left side.

06-12-12, 13:52
Zippy unfortunately labyrinthitis can last a long time, my son has had it for about 5 months now and is just starting to improve.

06-12-12, 13:58
I thought with labyrinthitis you had 3-4 days of bad vertigo and then it started getting better?

06-12-12, 14:21
It usually lasts 2 to 3 weeks but can last a lot longer and for the people who have it lasting a long time, they get the exercises to do which I mentioned yesterday. It really does sound like this is what you have or some other inner ear problem and NOTHING serious. You will know better when you see the ENT. You need to rest as much as you can.

06-12-12, 14:29
I wish i could just get the horrid thoughts out of my head that it's terminal. My partner is sitting shaking his head at me smirking and saying i am not dying.
I was dying last christmas with something and i always vow that i won't think irrational again and let myself get like this again. The thoughts just take over, funny thing is i don't feel particularly stressed like i have been in the past.

06-12-12, 14:34
Your partner is right :) Take time to rest, wait for the ENT, it is nothing serious...tell yourself that, it is an ear problem otherwise you wouldn't be referred to an ENT specialist.

06-12-12, 15:06
I know, it's googling that's my enemy. I see that vertigo, pressure in head/headache etc are signs of brain tumour and just think that's definitely what i have. I walk around as i i have been told i definitely have it.
It's my little girls 9th birthday today so i want to be positive when she gets in from school.

06-12-12, 15:19
Concentrate on your daughter and I hope you have a lovely evening together :) xx

06-12-12, 15:21
Thankyou, i am going to try.