View Full Version : Lucid vivid dreams

06-12-12, 09:40
Every night for the past month now I have been having such vivid lucid dreams. I know I am in the dream and can even hear my thought process. All the dreams I'm currently having are disturbing in some way and they are really getting to me now. I always seem to wake up in a confused state and I believe that they are real for a good five to ten minutes. Even if I wake in the middle of the night from it my mind will fall back into the dream. Its becoming so exhausting now and I exactly dread going to bed.
Does anyone else have these symptoms? I have just recently come off fluoxetine and have read that this is a common symptom as my brain is more active. But I was just wanting to know if anyone had any tips on maybe how to stop dreaming?
I plan on sleeping 12-7 tonight as I read that I won't be sent into a deep sleep.

But someone please help me as my dreams are really starting to get me down.

06-12-12, 09:55
My brother is having these vivid dreams all his life, he is sayig that they more real than reality. He is very active workoholic engineer, moves about allot and passionate about his work. He also had sudden stop breathig syndrommwhen he was little but kids grow out of it. So all he has left is his extravert emotional personlaity and thats probably causes him to have his dreams so vivid.
I have these but very rarely - strange but i am the one with panic attacks...
I think you mind is just working way and there is nothing to worry about, its only dreams - they are not real.... So i would try to put it to rest and just tell yourself before going to bed -: wow i wonder what blockbuster moview i will watch tonight....

06-12-12, 23:53
Hahaha good idea about the movie! It's just the fact that they are usually disturbing in some sort of way and last night I could even hear my own thought process and I'm always walking round my town in them and everything is so precise! Every street is in the exact location as reality so that's why they slightly bother me and they are practically nightmareish so they really get to me in the morning because the dream is so so so vivid and ill have flashbacks all morning about it!
Tonight I'm going to bed with a good mind about it even though I do everynight but tonight more then ever! I usually read before bed so that always relaxes me and sends me off to sleep. Read online that if you sleep for say 6-7 hours you are less likely to fall into a deep sleep so I'm trying that out this evening too!
Really feel for your brother, so odd that even with his active lifestyle he has this problem. I hope it doesn't get him down! Going to take your inspiration and think of it as a movie hahaha! Ill report in the morning to see how it went.
Night thumbalina thank you for your advice :) and support xxx

07-12-12, 10:05
Had a nasty vivid dream last night :( I suppose they can't just go straight away but they are so nightmareish I really can't be bothered sleeping anymore, I literally dread going to bed tonight.
Going to keep a positive mind but its hard after night after night of terrible dreams and a terrible sleep.

07-12-12, 11:01
Hey sorry that yiu upset again kittyhan,
This definately wont go away straight away, but just like with all the anxiety stuff try to distance yourself from your dreams and let them be there and you being an observer...
They will get less vivid and disturbing over the time...

07-12-12, 11:43
Hi. kitty. When we are in an anxiety state our Brain becomes disordered. It cannot rest during the day as we will not let it because of the worry and anxiety we feel, so it tries to put itself in order when we, our conscious mind, cannot interfere; when we are asleep. This does not occur with everyone, but some people do have this happen to them. Also, the unconscious mind is trying to tell us something and, far from being afraid of our dreams, we should regard them as messengers trying to tell us something about our lives. Can you try writing down you dreams and looking at them in the cold light of day. Ask them what message they have for you. Dreams can be very helpful. I dreamt a lot when suffering with GAD but I was fortunate in having a therapist who specialised in dream analysis. It was surprising, given the right interpretation, how dreams can help. They certainly are nothing to fear, however horrible thay may seem. Best wishes. joe.