View Full Version : Moving house - Mum

06-12-12, 12:35
This should be a happy post and I'm determined not to make it sad but just need a bit of a boost guys.

I'm 37 and have lived here and there all of my life but have mainly been at Mums. I got married in May and we've been doing the house up to move into which we go into in 2 weeks. I wanted to rent in the meantime but My hubby and Mum agreed that staying at Mums would be far more cost effective which we did.

Now it's time to move and I can't get this feeling out of my head that my Mom won't cope with me gone. Of course she WILL and has done before. I still see and speak to her everyday as she's my absolute best friend in the world. I'm an only child as you may gather and Mums in a marriage that is just 'okay.' My Nan lives next door with my uncle and Mom has friends though she never goes out.

I've spoken to her about it and she just says I'm being silly! However, she loves to get involved in what hubby and I are doing by accompanying us to places and although its great, I know that we need some 'us' time now as it's not natural. Sometimes I'll talk to her about him and I doing something and I almost feel like I'm offending her - like the twos company thing?

I know you'll say 'thats not normal' etc but everyone loves Mum as she's eccentric and cool and just fab! She's very hippy in her ways and my friends just adore her. She is one in a million. But I don't want to carry this burden forever. I want to be able to do what normal people do and not feel guilty when I do stuff just with hubby.

I hate the thought of her being sad :(

06-12-12, 12:44
You do need your own space and so does your mum. My daughter and partner lived with me for a while and I am enjoying the peace and quiet now they have moved to their own home and we can still see each other regularly and are often on the phone to each other. Don't worry about your mum, us mums are made out of strong stuff and she will soon get used to the peace :) xx

06-12-12, 18:02
Annie, thats so sweet. Thank you. Are you super close to your daughter? Do you have interests etc? Mom doesn't seem to really, I think she just likes spending time with me. I wish she'd have an interest outside me really so she wouldn't have to worry so much. Then again, maybe I'm assuming too much. She became very clingy after losing her Dad - my wonderful Grandad, and I think that was the catalyst. I've decided to buy her driving lessons for Christmas :)

06-12-12, 18:07
I am close to my daughter and my 2 sons. They have all been to uni so have left home one by one. Not having them home all the time gives me something to look forward to...them coming to visit me :) My daughter took me on a spa day last year, that was lovely to have such a relaxing day together. Your Mum is lucky to have such a kind considerate daughter :) x

07-12-12, 16:01
Bless you. Maybe it helps that you have more as she could only have me. I think thats why she wraps me in cotton wool. You sound a lovely Mummy! Dare I ask, are you happily married etc?

07-12-12, 16:05
Bless you. Maybe it helps that you have more as she could only have me. I think thats why she wraps me in cotton wool. You sound a lovely Mummy! Dare I ask, are you happily married etc?

I am happily married, my husband is my children's step dad but they call him dad. I was emotionally abused by my first husband and my children also suffered some abuse but they have done really well and we have a happy family life with my new husband. I am over protective with my children because of things that have happened in the past. I understand how your Mam will be protective of you. I had 4 miscarriages and that also made me more protective of my 3 children.