View Full Version : Really, really angry today

06-12-12, 14:38
There's been so much going on the last 2 weeks that i just feel so angry today, much of it normal life stuff (on top of difficult things I'm dealing with in counselling).
I needed to do something to get rid of the anger, otherwise it was going to build & then I'd end up saying or doing something stupid. I work in the middle of nowhere so I took a walk down a footpath & found some fallen tree branches. I smashed them to bits putting all my might into it.
I had an image of my abusive brother in my head like it was him I was hitting. I wouldnt be able to hurt him in reality as he died & I would never hurt anyone but I know alot of my anger relates to him so it seemed appropriate. I'm sure this is a better way to go about it than what I have done previously which is turning the anger on myself.
I had thought that breaking something would make me feel calmer but I think the tension & effort required to do it has left me feeling a bit shaky, sort of like I'm still angry but also in a bit of a daze. I'm back at work now which feels rather surreal. I dont think it's helping that I'm due tomorrow and havnt had a period for 2 months (down to stress I think). Maybe it's just plain pmt & not anger from everything else. Crap whatever it is.

06-12-12, 14:47
Things are always worse during PMT for and I can image you have a lot of 'locked in' anger from things that have happened to you. Counselling also brings these things 'forward'. (I remember once being told to just go out and kick the grass!) Sending you lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: