View Full Version : Just hopefully near the end of massive panic attack

06-12-12, 15:57
Hi all I have just had to take half a diazepam in was slowly feeling anxious and It built up to me laying there with a dry mouth trembling bad felt like I was going to have a fit whichbsceard me even more hands slightly lyrics tingling I let the panic attack run away with its self am at the end of it now still trembling a bit I kept walking around and pacing things seemed slightly off balance and blurry dose this soundlike a ttypical panic attack alsobheattbwas racing a bit I don't ushaly allow it to get that far also once the diazepam wares off will I be back to panicking from where I left off like a pause continue effect I feel maybe I overcome the panic attack 10 minutes after taking the diazepam so hopefully it was me and not the medicine any thoughts really hate the trembling

06-12-12, 16:02
You have done well to calm yourself down, It will only come back if you let it. If you start to feel it again just take deep breaths in and let them out slowly. relax your stomach and let your shoulders drop. The diazepam will help. I know what you mean about the trembling, I hate that feeling too. Hope you feel calmer soon :hugs::hugs:

06-12-12, 16:09
Thanks Annie really wish I won this episode without diazepam tho trembling was probably made worse by cold room I was in

06-12-12, 16:13
Don't feel bad for having to take diazepam, I only like to take them as a last resort but sometimes they are needed just to get some relief.

06-12-12, 17:21
thanks for replying annie for some reason this site really helps having somone to talk to you know, shows how powerful the mind is at healing and getting better because the second i took half a tablet i started to slowly calm down and i guess they cant start to work that quick lol

06-12-12, 17:25
I know because you take one and you know it is going to help so psychologically you start to relax. I was frantic the other night because my anxiety was so high and wanted to take a diazepam but couldn't remember where I had put them. As soon as I found them I started to calm down :)

06-12-12, 18:47
I know the feeling Annie let me ask is it normal to have a funny feeling of weakness in the legs after a panic attack? Thanks for listening Annie iam just laying here hopefully feeling better soon times a great healer I just wish between panic attacks I didn't feel anxious you know

06-12-12, 18:50
It is normal, You have such an adrenaline rush you will feel like you have ran a marathon! I could hardly walk after the massive attack I had on Tuesday I was weak.

06-12-12, 18:57
Oh well at least it's normal then my legs literally feel like I have been for a run I hope they return to normal soon how long dose it take to recover from a panic attack I have feel affected for hours?

06-12-12, 19:01
If you think about how much your heart rate goes up during a panic attack it is literally like doing a physical activity like running. It takes me sometimes all day to recover. I have had a few this week and although I haven't had one today I feel so exhausted still. Rest and recover :)

06-12-12, 19:07
Ok my heart rate doesn't always go up but I know what you mean. So rest is good after a panic attack you would say?

06-12-12, 19:12
Yes your body needs to rest and relax...put some relaxing music on, maybe have a nice soak in the bath.

06-12-12, 19:55
Thanks Annie :-)