View Full Version : Sleeping patterns to help anxiety

06-12-12, 17:51
Hi all! Can anyone offer any advice on the best sleeping patterns to help anxiety and panic?

I work nights but only twice a week, from 8pm till 2am. At the moment im sleeping the same hours every night regardless of work so for example, from 3am til 2pm.

Am I best off staying like this or getting early nights when im not working?

Many thanks in advance :)

06-12-12, 21:15
Hi there.

Sleep is a great help for anxiety. It is difficult with your shift pattern but you should try and get as much sleep as possible as any sleep will help.

07-12-12, 00:17
Hi there secondtimelucky :)

I find that 8 hours is a good amount of sleep for me and to actually have a certain time to get up each morning helps my anxiety during the day! Maybe you should try earlier nights and maybe a sleep pattern on your non working nights? Planning your sleep pattern may even help your anxiety! But find what's best for you, my method you might find woudlnt help you but its always worth giving it a shot :) its helped my anxiety and the amount of panic attacks I'm having a day. I can have zero on a good day but if I sleep in I tend to notice that I may have two or three during the day. But whatever works best with you, I hope you find your solution.let me know how it goes :) would be great to also get some advice from your experience whatever you try!