View Full Version : Deaf in one ear?!

06-12-12, 18:02
Hey everyone

I've been managing my HA slightly better recently (I think that's thanks to starting escitalopram 34 days ago). But I've got another cold and cough and I'm now panicking on my ears. My right ear feels weird and I don't think I can hear as well out of it. So of course my brain tumour anxiety is back. I've been feeling dizzy again as well (that never really went) but its not vertigo again at te moment.

I'm so worried there's something seriously wrong with me and I feel really down again :-(

I am under a lot of stress I guess. My son was assaulted at Uni, my youngest baby has a nasty cough so I've had to have more time off work cos nursery won't have him. I'm under threat of redundancy at work, also have very ill relative and a recent bereavement.

Any thoughts?


06-12-12, 18:29
I am sure your ear problem will be connected to your cold. I am so sorry you are going through a lot at the moment.
My oldest son was assaulted when he was at uni. and it was very worrying for me so I can imagine the stress it is causing you.
I am sure all these things are adding to your anxiety, funnily enough I had ear problems when my anxiety started off again. I would ask your doctor to check your ears though as with having a cold you may also have a build up of wax in them and you may need to put drops of oil in. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

06-12-12, 18:43
HI Please do not panic over this as i had a bad cold a couple of years ago and my ear was completely blocked for about 2 weeks, its not always view-able from the doctor either as its inflammation caused by the cold. it went away on its own and started popping etc. awful symptom but definitely to do with your cold, it made me feel a bit dizzy too.

take care and try not to think about it. (hard i know)

meg xx

ps- i could hardly hear out of it and felt a bit weird on that side of the face too, just incase you do too!

07-12-12, 19:16
Thank you for your replies.

I feel worse today, ears feel full, blocked nose and dizzy when I move my head. My little boy is full of cold too and is really miserable and moany which isn't helping how I feel :-(

If it stays like this I can just about cope but I'm terrified of getting vertigo again like the last time I had a problem with my ears.

Feel very on the edge.

08-12-12, 18:24
I have this at the moment too, and I have a cold. So, it's definitely related.