View Full Version : Anxiety driving me mad

06-12-12, 19:39
Really not having a good time at the moment, my health anxiety and anxiety in general is going crazy :( i got anxious/paranoid earlier that i was being watched by spammers through my webcam, so i covered it with cardboard and its still like it now, don't wanna take it off.
Most of the day i've not had as any thoughts as normal about dying of some disease or thinking i have some serious disease, and now...BAM! its all come back again, i think i have some kind of stomach, bowel, urine, intestinal disease caner thing, i don't know exactly what, but i know something is wrong, everybody keeps saying its just anxiety and its so frustrating!!! i really do feel like there is something wrong but nobody is listening, but then i think back to the other 30 or so serious illnesses i thought i had this year which proved to be just health anxiety...

I'm going mad :( my moods are all over the place, 2 days ago i tied a belt to the bannister and was testing wether that way or the other way i have in mind would be less painful and quick. My anxiety had a big part to feeling the way i did, i do feel like it a lot, but haven't got to that stage before. Cutting just doesn't have the same effect anymore.

i may just take some valium and try and chillout, i'm not fearful about taking that as i have had it many times, but i don't wanna feel too zombified cause that might make me feel more depressed :(

Sorry for rant, anxiety is really driving my crazy.

(((hugs to everybody)))

07-12-12, 17:28
sounds like you are feeling desperate, and need to be heard?

are there things you can do to take your mind off it? TV book, go for a walk?

Window shopping?

08-12-12, 23:53

I've got support from CMHT but i always need to see them when they're unavailable.

I try and do things i enjoy like photography, writing, shopping and the most helpful one which is seeing friends.

My moods seem better today thankfully, its just my anxiety is still really high and i think its the anxiety about things thats effecting my moods.

The fear of not being able to urinate has subsided a bit since i seem to be okay again, and that has made a difference to my mood, the other day, it was the anxiety about my health that tipped me to the suicidal urges stage.

Damn anxiety. Hope you're well

16-12-12, 19:09

I've got support from CMHT but i always need to see them when they're unavailable.

I try and do things i enjoy like photography, writing, shopping and the most helpful one which is seeing friends.

My moods seem better today thankfully, its just my anxiety is still really high and i think its the anxiety about things thats effecting my moods.

The fear of not being able to urinate has subsided a bit since i seem to be okay again, and that has made a difference to my mood, the other day, it was the anxiety about my health that tipped me to the suicidal urges stage.

Damn anxiety. Hope you're well

Hi BubblegumUK

Have you thought of any distractions in your life? Do you have any hobbies or interests? Distraction can be good for some.

17-12-12, 01:45
Hi bubblegumuk :)

I'm really sorry you've been feeling so down. It good to hear you're feeling a little better recently though. If you're distractions aren't helping when you're getting those suicidal thoughts I always find writing helps me. Whether that's just writing down what's upsetting you or writing about the good things. I hope you're well x