View Full Version : Ruminating

06-12-12, 19:50
Hi everyone, I was wondering if you could help me. If you suffer from ruminating thoughts, what are your best tips to stop yourself doing this?
I've lately been going through the alphabet naming fruit and vegetables with each letter. (is that weird??) - wondered what you might be doing to distract/help.
thanks for your help

06-12-12, 21:00
Wish I could help but I'm in the same boat as you.

However, I wonder what form your ruminating takes. I mean what do you ruminate about (If you don't mind me asking)?

If we're allowed to refer to books on here, I bought an interesting one called "The Mindful Path Through Worry And Rumination" by Sameet M Kumar. I'm still working my way through it, it's not long, it just takes a bit of understanding (for me anyway :))

My ruminating thoughts are generally running over conversations in my head, or rather comments made, with me thinking, "what did they mean by that word, gesture, etc, are they criticising me?". That's also wrapped up with hypersensitivity and low self esteem too, though.

When I'm feeling low I also go over in my head all the times I felt embarassed or humiliated - my subconscious really seems to want to punish me sometimes :(


06-12-12, 21:05
Hi Mark
thanks for answering.
Mine is usually similar to what you describe. Recent conversations, reading in to what people have said and interpreting it differently. Sometimes I can start on things that have happened months/years ago (when things are particularly bad).
There's also some panicky thoughts - which are mainly based around fear.
thank you for the book recommendation.
In the meantime i will carry on with my slightly odd alphabet game - which is working in the main!
Good luck - and thanks again