View Full Version : HIV scare.. I just dont know

06-12-12, 21:53
So today while sitting in class there was a piece of the chair that was peeling off that I happened to cut my arm on. It made a pretty nice cut which hurt. Am I at risk for contracting HIV? I'm worried

06-12-12, 21:56
No you are at no risk at all.

06-12-12, 22:08
I can see from your previous posts that you're serious about this and looking for reassurance.

As Annie says, there is no risk whatsoever from what you have done.


06-12-12, 23:07
No! You will be fine!

06-12-12, 23:17
I can see from your previous posts that you're serious about this and looking for reassurance.

As Annie says, there is no risk whatsoever from what you have done.


Yes Mark, I am constantly looking for reassurance. Some days are better than others. Like right after I posted this I went to go use a public bathroom. I really needed to go and I set up my seat with toilet paper and such. But in my head I still feel like I'll contract it from the toilet seat even though I used the toilet cover and toilet paper. Can anyone reassure me that I won't get it from a toilet seat either 0.o ?

06-12-12, 23:40
You won't, it has to actually come in contact with your own blood stream some how so unless you had a big gash on your bottom and sat straight in blood or other bodily fluids so it got in the gash, you are safe.

07-12-12, 01:16
Yes Mark, I am constantly looking for reassurance. Some days are better than others. Like right after I posted this I went to go use a public bathroom. I really needed to go and I set up my seat with toilet paper and such. But in my head I still feel like I'll contract it from the toilet seat even though I used the toilet cover and toilet paper. Can anyone reassure me that I won't get it from a toilet seat either 0.o ?

From what I understand HIV is a very fragile virus once its outside the body, making it almost impossible to contract without blood to blood or fluid to fluid contact

07-12-12, 03:06
HIV, unlike most viruses has to be within a host or culture at a temperature of 98.6 degrees give or take only a degree or two. Outside of the body, the virus dies within minutes without the temperature necessary for its survival. It, unlike many of its virus cousins, does not have the ability to go into a spore state and "shut down" until another viable host comes along. Its cell walls begin to deteriorate within minutes after leaving its host..... this is why it cannot be transmitted with a kiss or a hug, but only through sexual intercourse or shared IV use, usually associated with drug use where needles are passed from one person to another before the virus had a chance to expire.....

07-12-12, 11:28
As others have said, HIV can only be contracted through immediate bodily fluid transfer (blood, semen, etc.), so no, you cannot contract it from a desk, toilet seat, skin-to-skin contact etc.