View Full Version : sick and tired of my chest awareness!

07-12-12, 01:35
Aaarrghh i really need to vent some frustration here. I've never posted in HA before but the time has come. I was diagnosed with GAD in 2008. Since that awful first day I have had a CONSTANT awareness of how my chest 'feels'. I get pains in the middle, the side, front, back, in my boobs, some that feel deeper inside. If i lay in certain positions and the weight shifts i feel panicly. And if i do EVER relax my chest i get a panic because i think ive lost control of it. I get aches and 'dropping ' sensations too. It's ridiculous. I'm sick and *French word* tired of it. And when I look back to my teens I was obsessed with my heartbeat and pulse every bed time.
When I was 2 and 16 I had ecg's for suspected murmurs but there was nothing there. Both were just infections and when I was 16, pain from what we now think was a panic attack. I've never been seriously ill and aside from being overweight my health is not that bad. So I KNOW there's nothing wrong with anything to do with my cheat, and yet it keeps me awake at night. I can only sleep on my front as its the only way I feel comfortable. Someone please tell me I'm not being a crazy over this, I can't be the only one :(

07-12-12, 01:39
I feel your pain, really i do, im aware of absolutely everything that is happening in my body, every little pain or twitch panics me and because i get freaked out about them they happen more, at the minute im struggling to take a deep breath in and take a full yawn, i can do it every so often but most the time i cant, been like it for couple of days now and its really starting to pee me off a little bit, if i was to give u advice id be lying to u in a way because i dont do it myself but what i do try and do is concentrate on anything but what my body is doing however sometimes because im not thinking about it i feel numb and freak out more. its a vicious circle. but i wish u well :)

07-12-12, 02:15
You are not crazy, and you are not alone. That's all I worry about all the time is dying of a heart attack, I get the pains, my heart races, it stinks. I wish there was a switch to just shut the worry off. I worry all day long, all night long. I have been checked, but it has been like 6 months, now I think I should get checked again, it is so stupid. Hope you feel better. :)

07-12-12, 02:28
Infact there is a "switch" that turns the worry of, i am about to have it tomorrow....its called NLP eraser technique, and 10 minutes of it by an NLP practitioner makes the worry go! for ever...u still remember what makes u worry however instead of making u worry or freak out about it, it makes u think as the situation as funny, and u physically laugh when u think about it or smile...anxiety is kept alive by worry, so if u can get rid of the worry then the anxiety will die....i was very sceptical and i didnt think it would work but i watched a friend of mine who is helping me at the moment do it too a women who had been suffering about a childhood memory for 30 years, 10 minutes of this and she was laughing about it...its seriously amazing...i was unaware of it and so are many people....i still dont no why the NHS dont offer this as a treatment but it is amazing....they treat rape victims and such with it....google NLP practioners in your area....this could be a massive step for a lot of people (btw im not selling the product or anything, im a anxiety sufferer myself and have only just found out about it, im just amazed by it.)

07-12-12, 02:33
I never heard of that, I will look into it. I'm not even sure what NLP is (sorry) is that something I would have here in the US? thank you, and ood luck with that tomm. let me know. :)

07-12-12, 02:37
I am always chest aware, chest tightness and breathing are my scariest symptoms. Not much i can do above from repeating to myself that it is just in my head....
Also i witnessed my mother in law to suffer from COPD for ove 10 years before she died and i saw her struggle to breathe all this time. All the time i feel breathless i remember how she struggled and it triggers more anxiety for me...
Chest and breathing is a big thing in my head and its only due to anxiety. I am working on it, yeaterday i had teri le sensations as if am having a nasty cold..

07-12-12, 03:31
I never heard of that, I will look into it. I'm not even sure what NLP is (sorry) is that something I would have here in the US? thank you, and ood luck with that tomm. let me know. :)

its stands for something like neuro linguistic programme, or something like that lol its a type of therapy but a lot better than pshycology, because rather than focus on the cause they focus on the solution....yes you will have it in america, it actually started in america :) texas i believe. i will deffo let u no if it works for me :)

07-12-12, 11:20
Thanks guys, I was beginning to think it was something more when really I know it isn't...daft how these things plague us so much!
I haven't heard of NLP, sounds interesting so I will look it up.

07-12-12, 12:49
Hi. All. I had a friend who paid £2000. pounds to go to America so that she could be hung over a canyon in a bosun's chair and drop all her problems into the canyon. She was assured that she would recover quickly from her nervous symptoms. She tried it; came home and for a while felt better, then........... NLP. Neuro Linguistic Programming has been going since the 1970's. It's aim is to reprogramme your mind to think differently. My goodness; all done in ten minutes! Lets have it on the NHS. I can only say that in my experience as a counsellor, now retired (and a Senior Citizen), if this could be done then the Nobel Prize for Medicine awaits you. We could close this site down after tomorrow. Holding out false hope to nervously ill people is disgraceful. The terrible symptoms we suffer are not banished overnight. They require time, patience and understanding and a lot of sympathy. Anyone who says otherwise has not been there, and that is for sure. This blog may get taken off by the Administrators but at least they may have read it. Best wishes. joe.

07-12-12, 16:18
Hi Joe,

I'm considering NLP.

Is it really that good??

Thanks, Craig