View Full Version : Panic Attack resulted in broken toe

07-12-12, 01:38
Hello I has a HUGE panic attack last night, worst one for a while ..... I was watching TV and the subject of living forever cropped up. Within 5/10 minutes I have jumped out of bed, shouted at my partner, stubbed my toe (really badly although didn't notice at the time) and ran downstairs, managed to pick up my glass of water on the way?

My reaction is to shout, then run .... Anyone else have this?

Also, when I've calmed down I laugh and shake!

Was a pretty bad one last night, took a while to get over it and have a broken toe! Had two at work today but managed to keep them quite discreet, I can be shouting and running around the office.

Need to learn more control, any ideas very much welcome x

07-12-12, 02:20
Everyone handles panic in their own way, that just happens to be the way you handle yours. Nothing wrong with that, whatever gets you passed those miserable feelings. Sorry about your toe, hope you feel better, and can you imagine if you did run around that office, shouting lol.

12-12-12, 09:54
You need to learn to sit it out. Once you do you panic will eventually break its grip.

Build up slowly - next time it happens just say to yourself "No, I'm not going to run right now, I'm going to sit here for another 10 seconds." It will feel uncomfortable but no harm will come to you.

Next time extend it to 20, them 30, eventually when you can stand it for a couple of minutes you'll realise that the panic begins to subside on its own - in fact it will subside more quickly because you are not "feeding it" by running away.

A panic attack is it's your body's own fight or flight mechanism springing into action inappropriately (i.e. when there is no real threat). You have to train yourself to do NEITHER.