View Full Version : I am new but have had anxiety for 7 years

07-12-12, 08:27
Hello I have had anxiety for seven years and was been controlled with citlapram and only had bouts of major anxiety with real change,good or bad I could never predict when it would happen.
I have been ok for 6 months so me and the Doc agreed to slowly come off my 10mg but unfortunately never got that far due to a shocker redundancy! From work :-( I loved my job with a passion,it's been over 3 weeks the anger from it all is over and the anxiety has struck and depression since Tuesday I have doubled to 20mg and 2mg of diazepam but last night major panic attack tears the lot. I haven't eaten for 3 days and tummy upset,can't relax
I went to emergency Doc he gave be calmers for my tummy and that's it no advice as he don't know me, if someone can advice me please do thanks in advance,one question I do have,would the extra tablets and diazepam make me worse again before it gets better again?

07-12-12, 08:36
The increase in dose takes a while to kick in. I has reduced my medication down to 25mg (dosulipin) until I had an accident in June which triggered anxiety again. I am now back to 100mg and still high anxiety.

07-12-12, 08:37
Hi Kelwil

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-12-12, 20:54
Welcome to the forums. :)

I know how awful redundancy can feel. It's a shame that this has put back your recovery, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to bounce back. In the past, I've been in the situation of losing a job I love due to corporate restructures and redundancy, but the positive thing was that I managed to find a job that I enjoy even more, working for a better employer. I'm still there now and I'm making much better progress than I was in the old company. So there is always hope, even though it may not seem like it now. :)

It's common to get side effects if you are increasing your meds. When I first started on 10mg back in August, I hardly felt like eating for the first few days. Hopefully you'll start feeling better again soon.