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View Full Version : finished a huge piece of uni work which had been stressing me out, and guess what?

07-12-12, 13:40
I am not worrying so much about my health now!
I am not 100% ok yet, still worrying about my mole and my lipoma as those are physical things which I can really feel and see. I still seek reassurance for them and check them constantly, but I have stopped looking for new symptoms as much, my ribcage pain has eased, I do not even know if I have swollen lymph nodes because I haven't checked!
I haven't been on google much at all recently.
Definitely think that stress is the cause of my anxiety.
Anyway, just thought I would post to show that there is a way out. I am not 'better' yet but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel :yesyes:
Now I am just petrified about going on a plane tomorrow! . . .

blue October
07-12-12, 13:42
That is great news lo89. :hugs:

Are you going on a long flight?

07-12-12, 14:12
Yes, four and a half hours. I managed 9 hours last year so I should be fine but I detest flying, I wish I had mentioned to my doctor and got something as it ruins half my holiday =[

blue October
07-12-12, 15:00
I also hate flying although i have flown many times longhaul, my last few days are ruined by the fear of flying home.

I did find alcohol helped. But but but :)