View Full Version : What's Going On With Me ?

08-12-12, 02:50
I'm not sure if this is a phobia or what it's called but I panic when I'm at the doctors. I can't stand getting blood test . I get so scared when I get called from the waiting room, sometimes I just wanna run away and go home and hide in my closet . Even if the nurse is taking my blood pressure I start to feel really uncomfortable . I just want to pull away. When I see that it's time to get a shot I need to hold someone's hand real tight. That's not the worse part. When I have to take a blood test , that's when it all goes wrong . I start feeling dizzy while they're taking my blood , I tear up and start shaking , it's like I can't control my body. When I went to get eye surgery I didn't know I was getting surgery done . To me it was all a surprise . I started to panic and I couldn't breathe right . It hurt so much at first. But the second time since I knew what to expect it was alright but still frightening . I have anxiety but its not that bad. It does keep me from doing things and talking to people or showing/saying what I'm feeling . It's difficult for me , I don't know why but it just is . I don't know what's going on and I'm only 15. What do I do?

08-12-12, 03:06
Awww Honey, it sounds like you do have lots of anxiety. Have you told your family, or your Doctor. I know they are frightening feelings, but they can't hurt you, just very uncomfortable. Lots of people are afraid to go to the Doctors (I am) and many are afraid of having blood taken. Have you had any counseling? you would find that, that would help you, if you could to talk to someone. There are many good people on here also, that will talk to you anytime. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

08-12-12, 11:00
Hi. ohello. Tell me someone who likes going to hospital or the doctors! You are in an anxiety state and all your symptoms are what 'normal' people get but greatly exaggerated. This is what anxiety is all about; the exaggeration of normal emotions. To reduce the intensity of feelings we have to reduce the output of Adrenaline, the hormone that is secreted when we are anxious. To do this we have to relax to the best of our ability. This is not easy but it can be done. When you sit in the dreaded chair let you body slump. (Never mind what the doctor or nurse thinks), and try and accept how you feel for the moment. You need to stop struggling against the feelings. Now I am not minimising how you feel. God knows, I have been there. But fighting and struggling will avail nothing and only make you feel worse. It is not a 'phobia', that is a different matter. This is just plain old fashioned anxiety. You want to 'run away and go home'; a typical fight or flight response. 'You knew what to expect'. This takes the fear out of it and may make you realise that it is the unexpected that you fear. Nervous anticipation can be a nightmare but it can be eliminated if treated in the right way; at 15 you will recover so don't run away with the idea you will always be like it. You wont!.
Try and relax all the time, not just when at the doctors. Best wishes. joe.

10-12-12, 10:06
Yep I'm exactly the same if I'm having a bit of an off time and if I even have to wait with my kids in the waiting room I can feel myself getting figity and wanting to leave! I never do now though, Im so used to panic attacks since I was very first struck down with them 2011 , now I refuse! It's exhausting but I'm sooo stubborn! But yes with relating to you so much I'd say you have anxiety! Herabl remedies, a hobby for destruction, sleeping well and eating the right things might help! Also because your soo young , talk to family or close friend about this, u might need to go and see a doctor. Don't let it get any worse because with exams and stuff it's important u do all you can to lesson these horrid symptoms.
take care.