View Full Version : Severe health anxiety

08-12-12, 12:22
I have a severe heath anxiety. Always worry non stop about what serious illness is going to take me away.
Woke up this morning in total panic. About some other illness i think I have. I don't want to live my life like this anymore.
I just started going to see a counsellor think she will be doing some cbt.
I want to change my mind set. So starting from today I am going to change I have ocd rituals for checking my body for lumps and bumps.
I know its not going to be easy and any wise soul out there wants to give me any advice on overcoming this illness please feel free to give it to me.
I am pretty desperate.

Thanks for reading x

08-12-12, 12:25
Poor you. I have this also, it's so hard when you want to get better and think positive but it just won't let you. Good luck with CBT I should be starting soon also. I just want to live my life xx

08-12-12, 12:32
Hi shanna

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-12-12, 12:38
Thank you for reply Vitabelle I hope you get better soon.
I would love an off switch for my chattering thoughts. My counsellor said that it can be helped sucessfully with some hard work from myself so fingers crossed.

08-12-12, 12:41
Yeah you have to want it...and that's why we are on here because we want help and to get better. It seems like we never will but a least we are willing to get the help. We need to push ourselves to get the our lives back and stomp that daemon down good luck. Message me if you need to talk xx

08-12-12, 12:55
I Totally agree you have to push yourself and take yourself out the comfort zone. Mine is ritual reassurance of checking my body about a hundred times a day. I feel compelled to do it but it just makes me feel so anxious that leads to a panic attack.

I feel this time is different for me because i have hit rock bottom with it. I think i have been lazy and not challenged my thoughts enough.
Today is the day i go forward. Vitabelle we could do it together.

08-12-12, 13:05
I think that's a good idea. We all need to support each other. We can do. Just need to tell ourselves that everyday!! I suffer with derealisation and its so hard when I'm finding everything so unreal but I don't want to give up its only been like this for about 2 months so I need to get rid of it now I just don't know how xx

08-12-12, 13:36
CBT will help you. You have had it for such short time you will recover quickly. Remember your not going mad its just your mind playing tricks.

08-12-12, 13:41
Yeah I also think that why is so hard because the constant derealisation came on so quickly, I've has anxiety for about 9 years but always been quite in control and now it's the opposite!! Ironically I'm the happiest ever been which is also why I'm finding it so hard :( x

08-12-12, 14:06
Its strange that when your saying its the happiest you ever been. When things are going well for me I always think something is going to come along and spoil it.

Its almost like a mental torture.

But trust me you have only had the derealisation for a short time you will get better.

I use a cd called creating inner peace and calm by Glenn Harrold. It takes the edge of my anxieties not used it in a while, need to get back into it. Try it.
