View Full Version : Boss makes me feel low

08-12-12, 14:26
My boss is a tempremental beast, one day shes fine and the next day shes got a bad case of PMS!
On thursday she kept moaning and bossing me around and on Friday i just gave her the silent treatment because i was so angry at how she made me feel! Some of the other girls at work seem to be able to have general converstaion with her but for me i sometimes do but i feel like i dont want to talk to her.

There are another 3 girls at work who are quiet like me which makes me feel a heap better.

Anyone else feel weak around people in authority?

08-12-12, 14:45
I can relate to this totally and because of this I get the most jobs to do at work The others will say No so I end up doing it because I am too afraid to say no :(

08-12-12, 14:58
Aw exactly the same, i no how you feel.
Do you feel like if you say No you'll be looked down on ? But how do others manage to do it! Makes me sooo frustrated.

What job do you have ? I work in a busy cafe, so the boss is always downstairs with us :( but even if she goes upstairs for 2 mins i feel like a weights been lifted lol

08-12-12, 15:36
I was bullied at school and also by my first husband so I think in my head, I just get scared of the consequences of saying no, even though logically I know there probably wouldn't be any consequences. having said that, because I am 'vulnerable' I have been bullied by my boss on some occasions and some of my colleagues have noticed this. I work in a school. I love it if my boss is off work for any reason, i feel like I can relax and get on with my job.

08-12-12, 15:44
Hi. Someone once said to me that when you go for a job interview and there is a self opinionated, egotistical twit sitting behind the deck just conjure up in you mind an image of him/her sitting on the loo in the morning. This applies to the 'bossy boots' type also. I always have this in mind. Very useful. joe.

09-12-12, 21:19
Hi, I have this problem as well. I think I give authoritative people too much light of day. I have always had jobs where I have had a boss and never been the boss, so I've learnt to always be polite and respectful towards my superiors. In some of my jobs my bosses or team leaders were actually very nice and didn't in a sense abuse their position. However, I have also had bosses who knew they were the boss and tended to use that as an unfair advantage of making me feel bad or stupid-this isn't nice, as it lowers your self esteem and just generally makes you feel upset, which is totally understandable. It could be that the other girls also don't get on with the boss, but they are just talking friendly, because they feel of they do this, they will have an easier time. Doesn't always work. I understand that you kept low key on Friday, as your boss clearly hurt your feelings. It's hard, but at the end of the day we are all at work for the money and few people actually love what they do or get on with their managers, however we can try and make the best of it. I see it as an act which lasts from 9-5. So during this time I am performing in a show and I will rise above what my bosses say without letting it show, I will do as they ask and not get upset over what they may say to me. Then I go home, call them all names under the sun in the private of my home, then I switch off and chill out until the next day when the act begins again. :) Perhaps your boss had other pressures or deadlines from higher up people and maybe this frustrates her on certain days and she lets it out on her staff, which of course she shouldn't, but I guess we're all human...In any event, the trick is to not let it get you too much. Good luck to you. :)