View Full Version : late people wind me up!

08-12-12, 16:16
do you get anxious when people are late??

my bf text me today at half 2 sayin he needs a quick shower then hell text me when hes starting off.....its now 4.15 !! and for at least an hour now my anxiety has been all over the place. ive cried ive been deep breathing cus im that anxious and have just text him asking if hes fell down the plug hole!!

anyone else feel like this? i feel angry cus hes making me feel on edge but i no im my own worst enemy deep down

08-12-12, 16:27
I used to get like this, firstly I would become very anxious and start asking myself questions like Has something happened to them? Have I done something to offend them and they are not coming? I would pace up and down the house , get clammy palms, feel sick etc. Weirdly after the anxiety had passed I used to get very irritable, so by the time they had arrived I would be in a foul mood, and would spoil whatever we had planned. My sister and husband are terrible time keepers, so I used to avoid arranging things as much as possible for the sake of my nerves and to keep the peace.

I have improved a lot over the last couple of years, with this and have realised I cannot control EVERY little thing around me and that sometimes you just have to go with the flow, shrug your shoulders occasionally and say . Does it really matter that much? It is not easy, It is something I have had to work at. :hugs: