View Full Version : All day shopping trip-now worrying...

08-12-12, 18:02
Hi all, today I agreed to go on a shopping trip with one of my friends. I didn't really want to, but felt I should. Being a saturday the town centre was heaving with people and my friend likes to look around a lot, so we were in and out of quite a few busy shops. I always make sure that I leave my gloves on, so I don't have to touch money or other surfaces with my hands. When I take them off I also use handgel (like when we stopped for lunch). I know this may sound stupid, but now I am worrying about having possibly picked up some kind of flu or bug-crowds have always upset me for that very reason, because I believe that lots of people together equal germs. Is it that easy to catch nasty germs by just being in a busy shop or walking down the high street? Obviously outside it was quite cold, so maybe any germs wouldn't have survived? I don't know...I just wondered if it would be more risky if you had closer contact with people who might have an illness (like a flat mate, work colleague, your child etc). Shouldn't really be stressing about this like I am. Perhaps someone can offer me some sensible thoughts on this....:flowers: thanks guys.

08-12-12, 20:52
You seem to have taken the sensible precaution of using handgel on your hands before eating. I do the same and if I have been in a bus or train touching seats etc. That is not an irrational thing to do and you have safeguarded yourself from contact germs. Germs that are airborne and spread by coughs and sneezes may be a little more difficult to avoid, but they do not like cold, dry weather and unless someone actually sneezes or coughs in your face really close up you should be fine. Hope ypu are feeling more reassured about it now. XX