View Full Version : First anxiety since taking beta-blockers

08-12-12, 20:42
Hi everyone,

I've been prescribed beta-blockers following health anxiety, particularly heart anxiety which I have been taking for the past 2 weeks. I'm waiting on results of my 24-hour ECG after getting twinges in my chest but blood tests and normal ECG's have been clear.

The beta blockers have worked great and the twinges have dissapeard. I still don't feel 100% and still suffer with health anxiety but my heart rate remains low from the medication which helps.

Tonight I got a bad headache and my thoughts began to run wild thinking that there was something wrong which again started some anxiety. I'm just really stressed by this, the past 6 weeks have been horrible, I hope this health anxiety goes away, it all stems from just not feeling 100% and how I used to be! :(

08-12-12, 21:35
I completely empathise with you. I had extreme health anxiety for around 6 weeks and at times I literally thought I was about to have a heart attack. It will get better, I promise :) 2 weeks is a very short time to be on beta blockers, anxiety is sometimes heightened in the first two weeks. This is just a blip and you don't realise that you're getting better already :)!

My health anxiety sort of dwindled away and anxiety clung on to other things. You're going to be absolutely fine, your results seem to show you're completely healthy and soon you'll realise you are; body and mind! xx

08-12-12, 21:59
Hi Laurenita

Thank you for your kind words, it is reassuring hearing that you recovered!
