View Full Version : Took my tumor labs

08-12-12, 21:39
So I took tumor labs for my pancreas results should be in on Th or Fri, then I have an MRI

Please pray for me! I need good new to spend a joyful first Christmas with my baby daughter!

08-12-12, 21:43
I hope it all goes well for you, please keep us informed. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

09-12-12, 15:21
Good luck and hope all goes well for you :hugs: :hugs: xxxxxxx

09-12-12, 16:27
Thinking of you and all the best.

09-12-12, 16:40
Praying for you, it will be ok:yesyes:

12-12-12, 21:31
I got my labs back, they are high normal and a few points below when I got them done 1.5 yrs ago. My pancreas lipase are elevated a bit which doesnt surprise me. I am not out of the woods yet. People with PC CAN have false negatives on the marker test if they are "non reactive"-but I think I am since they were elevated yrs ago.

Augh... so MRCP on Monday. I cannot stand this. Since I have pancreatitis every time I have a flare I am in a total panic that I have PC-how can I not when I lost my dad to it and its the SAME organ? Maybe I need to go on anti anxiety pills.

Please keep me in your prayers, thank you

13-12-12, 09:40
Of course you will be in my prayers, as I am going through similar to you at the moment and I know how petrified Ifeel. I will be with you all the way . You have all the support from the folk on here and it does help to know that. I am going to hospital on Tues for my op and will catch up with you on Monday to see how you got on xx

13-12-12, 15:52
As you know I have similar issues at the moment with liver though. I am thinking of you and wishing for a positive outcome xxxxxx

13-12-12, 16:07
I know how you feel, waiting for results myself (not same as you though) and dr sent tests aa urgent. I am so worried!
Thinking of you and hoping for good results, I lost my dad to PC as well and I believe you are too young to have it:bighug1: