View Full Version : dnt know wot to do anynore

08-12-12, 22:17
had enough now been on streline 100mg for 2wks now from 50mg and it was ok but then its making me anxious rapidly im shaky inside and just so tired mentally and physcally dont knoe if i can cope anymore my bidy is to drained these tabs shd be working now shdnt they x

08-12-12, 22:40
How long have you been on them?

09-12-12, 00:30

Are you saying you've been on 50mg for two weeks? If so you're still in the worst period for side effects, they should subside soon.

I stopped taking an SSRI after 2 weeks because I couldn't cope with the side effects.

If you're really struggling you should see your Doc again to discuss alternatives.

As far as I know though sertraline is the most prescribed drug as it's side effect profile is better than other SSRIs (happy to be corrected).


09-12-12, 09:43
hi guys i have been on 50mg of setreline to start off with for 8wks then increased to 100mg 2wks ago

09-12-12, 10:27
Hi blonde,
I would think 2 weeks is still early days, see if you can tolerate the sideeffects longer.
Best of luck

09-12-12, 11:51
Hi. blonde. Yes, tablets take two to three weeks to 'click in' but if they are causing you this amount of distress then it is ESSENTIAL that you re-visit your GP. There are many other tabs on the market and there is certain to be one that will not cause you so much distress. Only your GP can decide this. You are tired because you have been thrashing yourself with fear. Your batteries are run down and need recharging. You do need rest so try and do as much of this as possible. To push yourself on with gritted teeth is self defeating. There are times when we need to rest from trying. The respite gives us time to collect our thoughts. Try not to be too upset by your feelings. You may not think so at the moment but these feelings do pass. Rest assured. Good luck and blessings. joe.