View Full Version : worring again

22-08-06, 21:10
Hi iVE had a areally good day then all of a sudden my neck started to ache, im trying to think that its my glands up or my sinistus but im worring its something like a tumor, or a stroke coming, i also just sat down to eat and i thought i was gonna go dizzy, i felt the blood rush to my head, but that was it, no dizzyness but now i feel so scared and just wanna sleep.

i hate this so much
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

22-08-06, 22:01
leanne this is tension and stress and we all get it time and time again. the blood rush i get alot too

please try not to panic although i know how hard it is

take care


23-08-06, 10:00
Hi Jackie

thanks so much for replying, its back again this morning, im so scared but also think if it was something serious it wouldn't come and go.
but its hard telling yourself that sometimes isn't it?

thanks again
leanne x[8D]

i just wanna feel normal