View Full Version : Bad day, and tomorrow may be worse

08-12-12, 22:42
Today got off to a good enough start, but on our way back from the supermarket a woman pulled out from a junction without looking, and my husband had to brake hard so we didn't crash. I don't know why, but apart from gasping in shock my first reaction was to reach over from the passenger seat and slam my fist on the horn. This was quite funny I suppose, but her action (and her reaction to the horn, which was to fling abuse at us through the window!) really shook me up, and I've felt really down ever since.

I've sewed a brooch for a friend, and made some cards this evening, but I just don't feel any brighter :( And tomorrow is looking like not being any better, as my parents are going over to Sheffield in the afternoon to see a show, and won't be back until the early hours of Monday. As I've said before, I haven't lived with my parents for 7 years, but I still have this fear that I can't seem to overcome about them going away. I still need them so much, and I'm just terrified that something will happen to them. I feel especially bad this time as I had such a terrible time with my anxiety while they were away on holiday in the Summer, and then when my dad was admitted to hospital when they got back. I'm scared that tomorrow I'll feel that bad again, when I've spent the last several months trying to drag myself up from that place.

I haven't even been able to bring myself to put the Christmas tree up today like I said I would, because my imagination has gone off on one and made me think that it being "properly" Christmas would make something happening to my parents more tragic, and so if I don't put the tree up it isn't "properly" Christmas, and so nothing can happen to them. I know this is insane, but I daren't tempt fate!

08-12-12, 22:56
Elle-Kay I am so sorry you have had a bad day. Don't let that woman driver get you down, she was in the wrong and well done you for sounding the horn to her!
Your parents will only be away one night and it will be good for them to have this show to go to and enjoy their time away. I do know what you mean though and I am worried sick about my kids all travelling home for Christmas, I think we worry more about bad things happening near Christmas and I don't know why. Sheffield is not to far away (My youngest spends a lot of time there as it is where his girlfriend lives). Just try to think of your parents having a lovely time at the show and they will be back Monday morning. Well done on your craft activities today. We have put our tree up (well Allan did most of it).

08-12-12, 23:39
Hi Elle-kay,
Funny enough sounding horn here in the middle east where we live now is one of the few things that actually doesnt makes us feel bad. Normally horn comes with the finger and followed by abuse through the window, as this is the only way to get those idiot driers going right way and stop jumping lanes.
Here it is embarrasing if you get horned at not the other way around.
Driving culture so reflects the real level of culture of the most of population, which makes UK as one the the best in the world believe it or not.
So dont let it get you down, you could be bumping in idiots like that that 10 times day if you lived here....

09-12-12, 16:51
They've gone, and they didn't even say goodbye (we only live up the road - literally). What if something happens now? :(

09-12-12, 17:54
Leah, they will be fine..they were probably in a rush to get to the show and probably didn't feel the need to say goodbye because they will be back tomorrow! I know how you will be feeling though because my parents are going out for dinner tomorrow and it is a 20 minute journey. I was going to take them but with me being ill, dad said he will drive. Now I am worried (He is 82) and he has to go to the hospital in the afternoon to see an eye specialist about a burst blood vessel and I won't be able to take him :(. I am sure we are both worrying for nothing. Text your parents and ask them to let you know when they get there. What show have they gone to?

09-12-12, 18:15
They're seeing "War of the Worlds"; one of my Dad's favourites (though he claims not to like musicals!) I know you're right, but it's hard not to worry even so. Mum texted a while ago to say they had arrived safely & were having a delicious meal at an Italian restaurant nearby. I've put some dinner on for us so will try to eat a bit, and I've got my TV viewing worked out until bedtime!

09-12-12, 18:39
I know, I worry all the time when family are 'on the move' My kids don't tell me they are going places until they get :) but then I just worry about them getting back!! I have managed to tidy the house up today and will be retiring to my 'safe place' soon. I have some parcels to post tomorrow and Allan will be going away in the morning until Thursday night so my goal will be to get to the post office on my own :scared15: