View Full Version : Shaking

09-12-12, 00:05

I have been like it before, but normally its when i've been in very scary places. But i've been at home tonight, and yesterday, and on both occasions had a friend round, 2 different friends. I've known these people for about 13 years and they're my closest friends.

Yesterday when R came round i was very very shakey, like when i go about my normal activities and i'd be very twitchy, and shakey and on edge and stuff. my hands would tremble.

I've had the same thing today, especially tonight, its lasted over 4 hours so far, my mates already gone but i'm still shakey and trembley and unable to relax, tried to watch a dvd but i was so edge i couldnt sit still, my hands would be moving and fiddling or tapping, or my foot would be tapping the floor etc...

I'm pretty sure its anxiety but not sure why i'm so shakey and why its happening when i'm at home when im normally my most relaxed.

For once i don't actually think its a serious illness, although parkinsons has slipped my mind but i don't really know what it is but i the name slipped into my mind, and i'm not gonna google it cause that'll make me very very paranoid, so for now i'm just gonna assume its anxiety, especially since my anxiety about everything has been very bad of late.

Does anybody else get this kind of shakey, trembley feeling thing i speak of?

Also, does anybody else feel like theres something behind them? and no matter where you turn your back, its always behind you so you never actually see, kidna like a dog chasing its tail.

anYBODY? My mind has been doing weird things recently, especially with thoughts and paranoia etc. Can anxiety lead to paranoid thinking etc?

Thankyou all.

p.s somebody just walked past outside, completly normal occurence, but im so on edge i just jumped out of my skin and my beat has shot up like the clappers.

I know anxiety can't kill me, but its a pain in the arse.


09-12-12, 00:24
I'm with you on this and I can empathise totally.

I get so wound up at times, and this is worst when I'm on my own with no external stressors.

I also get the shakes badly but usually when I'm upset, but it can last for a while.

I was getting no help from my boss at work, I came home and told my wife all about it and I was shaking from head to foot, my wife probably thought I was going to pass out :scared15:

As for in general I have chest pains, burning muscles, twitches, visual disturbances, nausea, stomach churning, "buzzing" feet, lump in throat, tremors....I also rub my hands, tap my feet, pull my beard ('cos my hair, what there is of it, is grade 1), scratch my head, and can't sit still, or relax totally (these don't all happen at the same time, fortunately...)

So, yes, for people like us, your symptoms look entirely normal to me :)

All the best


09-12-12, 03:08
Hi bubblegum,
I wrote before that shakes and bretheleasness are the worst this episode of atracks and anx i have.
I was shaking for days non stop especially at night. 3rd week now. A bit better now But had a stressful situatio. At work on thursday and started trembling like this. Anx Must be still pretty high.
Try to ignore it. Its jist the way anx "comes out"...
Should start getting better
Take care

09-12-12, 09:11

Well im glad my trembling etc seems to be just anxiety, im still like it now and ive just woken up, fortunately its not as intense.

Shortly after i posted last night i really started freaking out, thinking i was being watched and stuff. Took some valium and luckily it calmed me down cause i was going to sleep in the car. Does anybody else get these feelings of being watched, followed and being attacked by people? Theres been other stuff too and Im really worried my anxiety is turning into something else, its been slowly happening over about 6 months and it seems to be getting worse. Is what im describing anxiety? Can anybody relate?