View Full Version : im lost need help!!!!

09-12-12, 00:25
Hello I need some advise please these is very new to me with taken meds and depression. And anxiety all I know a couple months ago my life change so now I'm taken medicine any I been taken 20mg fluoxetine for almost a month now but I I feel the same I had an appointment with psychiatric the other day to let that I felt the same thinking he would change it to something else sense I felt the same before I even started the medicine and I hadn't had an appetite because I had been depressed and I heard this Med make youhave a appetite and he said I should see a change in 2weeks so I'm up there and now he tell me it takes 6-8weeks and he don't want to up my dose because of my size. Which is 125 now so I call my regular doctor for a prescription for my nerves and he tell me to up my fluoxetine from 20mg to40mg I don't know what to do anyone that can help me out with this please help me out thanks

---------- Post added at 16:25 ---------- Previous post was at 16:20 ----------

I meant I heard fluoxetine make you not have an appetite and I have already lost alot of weight so I was wondering if I should up it or not thanks

09-12-12, 00:41
I took fluoxetine for 2 weeks and ate like a horse...

Having said that I'm about 4 stones (56lbs) overweight and it takes a lot to dent my appetite :) Also I take 15mg of mirtazapine which gives you the munchies. I'm also now on pregabalin which does the same.

So, as far as I know, the 2 drugs I take are associated with weight gain (I'm constantly on a controlled diet to stay the same weight). They do this by increasing your appetite.

Not heard that about any of the SSRIs.

As for whether you should increase your dosage, obviously that's your decision, as we probably have a different system here in the UK. I don't have a psychiatrist (we only get referred on the NHS if we're desperately ill) and I always take advice from my GP (family Doctor). Doesn't mean I agree with him - he wanted me to continue with fluoxetine, but it was making me miserable and I wanted to try pregabalin, bless him, he agreed.

So, sorry, can't advise you on whether to follow the advice of your Doctor or Psychiatrist. That's a decision only you can make, it's your body, and only you know how you're reacting to the 20mg.


09-12-12, 03:02
I am 115 pounds and i also have appetite and diagestion problem assciated with anx.
It started getting better after 10 days on medications (i take cipralex 5mg)
And i took it for 4 years before and i know for sure that it gave me extra few pounds. I am not that tall so any weight gain was very obvious so i had to go to the gym and etc.
The other symptoms you have will also go away - give it few weeks.
When i was taking it years ago it took few months for the medicine to start working. I was begging doc to change it but he was asking me to be patient and promised it will work. It did at the end. But i also did CBT all these time and even group therapy.
I hope you will give it a go and belive that it will help.
Take care