View Full Version : Cyst Getting Larger?

09-12-12, 02:52
I've been worrying about a lump on my neck, under the jaw and right in the middle, a lot lately. The Doctor checked it out and said it feels like a cyst. She put me down for a blood test and also an ultrasound, because she thought my thyroid felt swollen. I just got my blood tests back yesterday, and they came back normal.

I calmed down after I realized it was a cyst, but I'm freaking out a bit again now because I think it's gotten bigger. It's still movable and... well soft-ish is the word I'd use, it's not incredibly soft but it's not a rock in my neck either. I could barely feel it earlier and now it's quite prominent - in fact it's almost visible on the skin (it wasn't before, I could only feel it not see it.)

It's also starting to hurt a little bit which I put down to all my prodding but now I'm wondering.... :scared15:

Does anyone else here have a similar experience with cysts getting bigger (with the associated freaking out)? Should I mention this when I go for my scan?

Could the size change actually be because I can't stop prodding at it? :shrug:

10-12-12, 00:06
Hi hun
i dont know much about cysts but i have one right inbetween my eyes on the bridge of my nose! i freaked out major and actually wrote on here about it! Anyway i went to my doctor and after she prodded and pushed that evening it got bigger and was sosooooooo sore i couldn't believe it it felt like it was going to crack open my skin! anyway i was told not to touch it! and i haven't and its halved in size! maybe all the prodding is aggravating it? if i was you i would leave it well alone and try your hardest not to touch it! and yes mention it when you go there is no harm in asking is there! try not to worry though hun :D xx