View Full Version : Can anyone help with mind chatter?

09-12-12, 03:27

It's 3:30am here in England and I've been trying to get to sleep since 11pm but I just can't. It's infuriating. There's so much going on in my head, it feels like my brain just doesn't want to rest.

I have mind chatter often but I thought, now that I'm a member, this would be a good place to ask for advice or help.


Love, Sarah xx

09-12-12, 03:36
Hi Sarah
Been a member of the lack of sleep club for many years, it drives me
mad that I'm still awake when everyone else is fast asleep, when you say mind chatter
Is it worries going round in your head, or do you suffer from anxiety and just cannot switch off like myself....do you sleep in the daytime, I never can

09-12-12, 03:43
hello Sarah

I sometimes get the same and do understand,try to be in the moment if you can as what i have found is that the brain does not understand if you try to go into the past of think in the future this causes Anxiety.

also i have found if i cant sleep is not to lie in bed and get up like as we speak i cant sleep.

I know its not nice but that are lots of things to try like a bath before bed soft relaxing music should help.

good luck

I wish you well

09-12-12, 03:47
I can't work out what it is. I do have things on my mind, which I guess are worries, but most of tonight has been spent like you say; just unable to switch off. I'm not entirely sure what I'm even thinking about. I've spent a good hour just thinking 'why can't I sleep?'!
I do sometimes sleep/nap in the daytime - my epilepsy medication makes me extremely tired and drowsy. Today however I didn't - another reason why I can't believe I'm not asleep right now..!