View Full Version : waking up needing the loo and other panic stuff

09-12-12, 13:03
Hi ,

I've been waking up at around 7 ish every morning for the past 3 or 4 days and having to sit there for upto half hour before doing anything which is not good. I've tried taking lactulose for the past few days as well and now I'm all worried bout taking it for too long and ruining my stomachs ability to do stuff on its own. I have got a blocked nose so breathing sometimes feels quite hard and have to breathe more makes me lightheaded and woo which make me all panicy and worried then bout my sugars and needing to eat food. I'm all aahh vicious circle had to have a blood test to check my sudden panicing occasions and have tried rescue remedy gum but that don't do much as far as I think.

Anybody else get all this??

09-12-12, 13:11
I am normally waking up early recently. Before my recent set back I was up at 5.30 every day as we start work at 7.30
Since the panic attack I am up earlier and also was waking up at 3-4 in panic and straight to the loo.
It is really frightening but I guess it's just the way panic gets us - when we expect it the least.
It takes time to come around for me as well. I just try to go in a shower straight to finish and "wash off" this anxiety and come out more relaxed.

Hope it will slowly stop for you, and you will start waking up smiling.

09-12-12, 20:25
does that work then having a shower to relax?

14-12-12, 05:08
does that work then having a shower to relax?

Most of the times it does. I mentally picture washing off all the worries. It helps to increase blood circulation to the areas of out body lacking oxigen due to fight or flight response..

16-12-12, 09:24
ive been to the loo 4 times this morning since i woke up at 7:30am needing the loo. i didnt do anything the first time, felt ill so went back managed to do a bit of stuff (putting it politely), third time felt slushy (sorry bout that image) but i only did small bits and then 4th time felt like i needed the loo again and still taking ages to go and when i do its only small bits again.
does this sound like anxiety or have i got some sort of bug do u think??