View Full Version : Having a mini panic attack today - help me

09-12-12, 14:07
I have third driving test tomorrow and all day today I have been feeling sick all weekend.
I really don't want to do it, every part of me is telling me to cancel it.
I feel like there is so much pressure on me, I feel all the usual panic attack symptoms; sweaty palms, nausea and a general feeling of being tense and uneasy.
I really need to drive and I can but last test I only got 5 minors and drove perfectly throughout the entire test and the examiner failed me on "not looking at a roundabout and making someone behind us brake" it was abit unfair if I'm honest as I saw a gap and went for it, the driver behind wasn't close at all.
Do you think its worth me cancelling? I really don't want to have a breakdown on the day?

09-12-12, 14:49
No - don't cancel it!!!! Go for it - face the fear :blush:,
If you don't go you will never know if you passed of failed it.
Will keep fingers crossed for you!!!!!

09-12-12, 14:55
I agree with Thumbalina. I once read a book called 'feel the fear and do it anyway' It is the anticipation of it happening that is scaring you. If you cancel at late notice I am not sure if you will lose your money? Try to be positive in thinking about tomorrow, tell yourself you can do it. I will be thinking about you tomorrow and this time i hope you pass but even if you don't, you will have tried and done your best! xx

10-12-12, 09:44
The test is today and I feel really on edge, I am convinced I will fail and I can feel the symptoms of a panic attack coming on..sweaty and tingly palms, numb face etc
I really really don't want to do this

10-12-12, 10:01
Ohhhhhh bless, I'd say go 4 it because once its done it's done you will not have to do it again! Obviously if u have a full blown panic attack before hand don't go out in a state before uve even taken the test BUT if u can hang on in there and some what calm your symptoms go for it seriously- one its done it's done!

Good luck

10-12-12, 10:54
Thinking about you today, I really hope it goes well for you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

10-12-12, 15:50
Hey guys, well...I passed! i'm so relieved! what a great early Christmas present!
Thanks for all your words of support and encouragement xx

10-12-12, 23:09
well done!!!!!! :yesyes:

10-12-12, 23:14
WELL DONE...oh I am so pleased for you...all that panic and you did it!!!!:yahoo: :yesyes::yesyes:

11-12-12, 00:13
Great Job, I am so :D happy for you!!!!!!!!

11-12-12, 01:04
Bit late in the day, only just read your post, but congratulations
you should be so proud of yourself:yesyes: you did it....well done

11-12-12, 15:44
Thanks guys, I feel really relieved, such a weight off my chest.
However I have now realised I'm quite panicky/anxious about going out on my own! :S
How do I overcome this fear? Going out alone is quite a scary thing I think, my friend has asked me to drop her home on saturday night after we've been for a meal, I initially said yes yesterday as I had just passed and thought it would be good practise but now I am kind of regretting it. I feel like I should just do it as its pretty much just straight road with one or two roundabouts, any tips to overcome this now?
I'm never happy! lol I am waiting until next week to drive to work as going to practise the route with boyfriend on saturday.

11-12-12, 15:47
That is a good idea to practise the route with your boyfriend. Just take little short trips on your own and gradually build up the distance. You will soon get the confidence x

11-12-12, 15:51
True, but what about saturday? I've already said I will drive my friend home at night, its a route I have done before and pretty simple but I'm still worried :(

11-12-12, 15:58
If you paractise the route with your boyfriend it will be easier for you. x

13-12-12, 22:29
Yay! Well done! :yahoo:

14-12-12, 05:04
Really happy for you that you passed your driving test!!!!!
Dont worry about starting to drive - absolutely everybody goes through some anx time as a new driver. But its worth the feeling of freedom of movement it gives you.
Well done.