View Full Version : dreading christmas day :(

09-12-12, 17:00
hi all havent posted for a while as ive been feeling brilliant no headaches no anxiety been loving life looking forward to christmas etc ...... then bang thursday evening had a major spinning sensation and since then my anxiety / dizzy spells have been out the roof :(

im taking 25mg amitriptyline that i can up to 30mg as and when i need it but i try and stay at 25mg i also take stemetil 3 times aday when needed and serc 3 times aday and im not sure what else i can do ive tried relaxing and im already thinking of not going to work this week and dreading going to my sisters for christmas incase im no better my whole body feels like its shaking and i feel really hyper but also feel heady and dizzy ....... how can i have been doing so well and then come crashing down does this mean my medication is no longer working ??? i dont want to go back to how i was 12 weeks ago i was in bed and not leaving the house and its only me and my son so i dont want to ruin his christmas he misses out on so much as it is due to me and my anxiety :( thanks