View Full Version : my girlfriend is seeing a physciatrist-i questions

22-08-06, 23:13
Hi Everyone, I am new to these forums, not for myself but for my SO. She has always been depressed, very moody and over-reacts to alot of things, has panic attacks, etc... it runs in her family, she finally set up a physciastrist appt for today, I was hoping you guys could answer a few questions for me.

It has always been my understanding that phyciatrists job is pretty much to give you meds, not really to counsel you or talk to you... that that was a physcologists job? is that right?

also, as a boyfriend once she gets on any Anti Depressants what can I expect, i am also selfishly worried that the physciatirst may recommend she and I split, as that is actually what happened to a friend of mine.

thank you


22-08-06, 23:42
Im sure you do worry about ya girlfriend .....usually phychiatrist give meds if needed and talk a little.. by all means i dont see him or her telling ya g/f/ to leave you...it takes awile for meds to work for depression..it sounds like your a loving and caring man for ya g/f alls i know is this ..its hard to understand what we go thru unless you have it but at least be supportive not baby her but supportive..i see alot who are not which makes us feel worse about ourselves....so i wish you both all the best and just be there for her...............Linda[8D]

polly daydream
23-08-06, 00:01
Hi Jon and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


23-08-06, 09:46
hi there pyiciatrist dont always give meds , if they do they usually take a few weeks to kick in , she might be a little drousy but that is only my ecxperiance. she will need suport and that is what your are doing good luck sue

23-08-06, 17:15
Welcome to the forum Jon
love Helen

in need of a friend
24-08-06, 14:30
its generally doctors that do meds. If she does go on anything then she will need your support cos they do give out a lot of side effects for about 3 to 4 weeks but then things generally improve.

I have never heard of anyone being told to dump someone. the best thing you can do is to show support for her and let her know that your there.

try not to worry.

24-08-06, 16:24
hi jon

my psychiatrist referred me to a one to one counselling for anxiety and panic attacks. so this may happen with your girlfriend. if she is given meds then she may be drowsy and have some mood swings for up to a month. all you need to do is be patient and carry on supporting her


(purple) the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

24-08-06, 23:10
Hi Jon,

First of all, I don't think you're selfish otherwise you wouldn't be taking the trouble to research your girlfriend's problems- if you love her, which it sounds like you do, it is not selfish to be worrying about an 'outsider' suggesting a split, unless you have any concerns that aspects of your relationship could be exacerbating your girlfriend's problems (which of course would be a whole different matter to consider).
I'm sorry but I cannot advise you whether a psychiatrist will prescribe meds as procedures are probably different in the States as they are here. However, if this does happen, check back to the site here with the details and I am sure there will be someone on the forum who can give some personal feedback on possible side effects, etc.
i hope you continue to provide support to your 'significant other'(!) and if you are feeling the strain, help is at hand here,
Hope everything goes ok- let us know?
