View Full Version : Unusual headrushes/pressure. Is it from anxiety?

Orange Lightning
09-12-12, 20:43
Hello everyone,

I'm pretty certain there'll be something like this already posted, but I need some piece of mind, if only to stop my addiction of "Googling" my symptoms and worries 24/7... clearly that isn't doing me any favours! :biggrin:

Recently I found myself suffering from unusual symptoms in the chest, arms and head. They were very frightening including a feeling of tightness in the chest and jaw, heavy arms, shivering, a pounding heart and restlessness at night. A recent ECG at my local GP said I didn't have anything beyond an occasional skipped beat (highly common), and I tried to convince myself these were resulting from over-exertion in some weight-training I recently started.

However in the same week (about 4 weeks ago) I suffered from 2 panic attacks - one during work and another while sitting down, during a basketball game. Doctor no. 1 told me I was likely to have suffered a muscle injury in the chest, and doctor no. 2 said this injury was going to affect my arms/hands/neck as well, and that it was nothing to get stressed out about, especially since I was hyperventilating.

After all that I had some piece of mind - I suffer from migraines frequently but I didn't even let a 5 day migraine (ugh...) mess with my mind. Just yesterday however my cat jumped on my chest while I was lying down, trying to fall asleep. Suddenly I found myself short of breath, and felt like my chest was being sucked inside. I broke out into shivers across my whole body - whenever I tried to fall asleep I would be woken up by a MASSIVE headrush and the same chest 'sucky-in' feeling.

It's horrifying. And even though I know it's from my injury, the back of my mind keeps saying "You only THINK it's from your injury - the internet is right, something is seriously wrong with your heart." Now everything I do to relax - such as playing video games, meditating, swimming and reading - isn't working, as these symptoms are playing with my mind.

I can't see another doctor for a whole week, so I need some piece of mind up front. I'm certainly not asking for a diagnosis; I have after all, already had one! I'd just like to know if anyone else suffers from these symptoms as well? I have tried speaking with my family, but they're not supportive at all, even going so far as saying I'll be struck of the doctor's records if I bother them again.

I apologise if I've been vague! Thank you for reading this, and for any advice you may offer. :yesyes:

09-12-12, 21:02
The symptoms you describe are all very common with anxiety and many sufferers get this feeling of head rush. I am sure you will find lots of support here and we understand what you are going through. Hopefully when you see your doctor he will be able to give you some advise/medication for your anxiety.

Orange Lightning
10-12-12, 14:33
I feel it is best to add the following points after today;

- Pushing (or as it turns out, mopping) makes my chest numb and tight
- I'm terrified it's a blockage (e.g. aorta) not an injury, especially since bending over causes my symptoms too. Of course Dr. Google doesn't help.
- I can only lift half my usual maximum weight... a puny 3kg. :p
- I just can't get it off my mind.What if it is my heart? I can't even get an ECG for a month; I fear death will beat me to the cure..!

10-12-12, 15:49
You must STOP googling. When you are anxious it takes so much strength out of you it really does make you feel weak. I hardly have any energy at all at the moment.

10-12-12, 16:50
I think a lot of us have this worry ...of death. ive certainly learnt while being on here that actually so many people feel like this and its not just me or you. its very hard and hangs over us everyday. I know how you feel but all we can do is try to stay positive. I am also very tired all the time, anxiety drains you as annie said. x