View Full Version : having really bad depression and anxiety attacks at moment.

09-12-12, 21:12
worst ive had in my 8yrs of suffering with depression.. I feel on edge ALL the time, very snappy at people (which isnt like me at all), headache constantly.. Im on anti depressants at the moment, have been for years, is there anything else the doctor could do to help me?
I feel like Im cracking up at the moment..
Anyone have any advice please?
Also I can't get in the chat room, would help to have a group online to talk to.

09-12-12, 21:15
Has your doctor referred you for counselling? It may be helpful to you.

09-12-12, 21:16
no he hasn't.
I just feel like im breaking down.

09-12-12, 21:22
Hi powerslam

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-12-12, 21:26
If you are feeling this bad then I suggest you go back to see your doctor, maybe your medication needs reviewing and also ask if you can be referred for Cognitive behaviour therapy as I think it will be helpful for you. I know it won't feel like it at the moment but you will get better.
New members have to wait a few days before they are able to use the chat room. :hugs:

09-12-12, 22:54
I agree with the others. You need to see your GP and discuss your options. Maybe your current AD just isn't working for you any more.

There are SSRIs and SNRIs etc that may suit you better.

Once you've stabilised then I would think you may benefit from CBT, but you might as well ask now as there's generally a waiting list for such counseling.
