View Full Version : Inflamed mole - advice needed

09-12-12, 23:54
Hello everyone,

I was posting here recently about my mole that turned out to be abnormal and now I am waiting for another check in three months. I know it is wrong but since that time I became totally fixated on my moles, every week I find a new one that looks dangerous to me.

I have a raised mole on my waistline, it is round, brown with darker patch inside. I have seen several doctors in the last years about skin cancer and moles check and nobody ever said that this mole looked anything suspicious. So today I have noticed that it became red and swollen, probably inflamed. Obviously now after hours of staring at the mole looks sinister and that something is really wrong with it :blush: Probably it is even itching now.
My HA yells that I should run to my GP as fast as I can and my rational self says that I am panicking for nothing as usual.

Please, I need your advice, shall I indeed see a doctor as any changes in moles should be monitored? Or is it really nothing and I should try to relax ?

10-12-12, 00:00
i have several moles and some are raised some are flat some are big etc i have one on my back and i knock it all the time (as its big and raised) it goes red and inflamed and hurts like mad when i knock it! I am not a doctor though and it is always best to visit the doctors just to put your mind at rest :)
With my ha if i concentrate on something enough that something will always happen whether it be a rash a pain anything. Like you say the more you look at it the more you notice different things, Please try not to worry i know its hard like you say your rational and ha side. But dont worry hun :D xxxx

10-12-12, 22:17
Thanks for your reply. I will try to calm down and wait until I see my GP next time.