View Full Version : The worst fatigue ever....

22-08-06, 23:49
Hi all,

I posted not so long back about starting to feel fatigue, lack of interest in anything, almost feeling as if time is stood still. Well things aren't any better, infact they feel worse. I now feel like it's a struggle to stand up and I feel like my whole body is in pain when I move about. I can't help feeling that it's the 15mg of Cipralex that I take daily. I've been on it for a year or so now and I feel just like I did the first week that I started to take it. I have absolutely zero concentration, I get mild sweats now and again when everyone else is feeling ok or even cool in the same room, it feels almost impossible to keep my eyes open all day whilst I'm at work when I've had 8 hours sleep the previous night. Not nice at all.... I'm starting to feel afraid that there is something more sinister going on. Just wondered if anyone else is feeling fatigue after being on these drugs for this amount of time?



23-08-06, 00:23

Are you doing anything all day? work? exercise?


23-08-06, 03:12
Hi Mark,

I would speak to my GP regarding this and see if he/she suggests another anti-depressant if you still want to stay on tablets. I would not think you should still be feeling this way after so long on this drug and you didn't feel this way until you started taking it, I would definately let them know about it. Also, have you thought of any therapy at all? Good luck.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

23-08-06, 09:28
hi mark sorry your not feeling to good .if i was you i would go and see your gp. if its any help i to get very tired some times my gp says its because im always tense.i dont take the same meds as you i wish i could be more help but please go and have a chat with your gp take care sue

polly daydream
23-08-06, 11:21
Hi Mark, I have been on Citalopram for about three months and still feel very tired even after 10 hrs sleep, I know its not a year but its still a long time to feel this way, I also still get the sweats now and again, my memory is also bad, I forgot an important appointment on Monday, so I and the people I was supposed to be seeing were not best pleased. I do suggest you go back and see your dr just for reassurance, he may want you to try another type of medication.

Hope this helps,

Take care,


23-08-06, 22:49
Thank you for your replies all!

I've been to see my GP today who sent me to the nurse for blood tests. He has also told me to try and decrease my dose of Cipralex gradually to 10mg and also to try taking it at night. So I am going to try all of the above! :)

Hi Nicola, yes I work all day but it mainly involves sitting down and concentrating which is terrible when you're constantly trying not to drop off :(.
I am also contending with the constant feeling of this throat thing still too, feel like I'm always on the edge of gagging, it's been over a year now!

23-08-06, 23:18
Mark - the reason I asked is I have been feeling the same and mentioned it to my CBT woman and she said that I am not doing anything physical at the moment which I know I am not.

She said that I need to get my body moving and then it won't be so tired. She did give me the medical reasoning behind it but I have forgotten it now but it does work.

I have felt drained the last month or so and I am doing no physical activity atall and I used to go swimming at least 3 times a week.

I have to take her advice so maybe you could try it too - get some more exercise and it will help with the tiredness.


23-08-06, 23:38
That sounds just like me Nicola. The thing is, I'm just about to move into a new house and from then on I will have to walk about a mile each day to get a bus to get me to work so maybe it's a blessing in disguise!

Many thanks for that info, hopefully things will start to look up sooner than I thought! :)

23-08-06, 23:46

Good luck with the move.

I did say to her that I was too tired to exercise and she said that it was a vicious circle and until you start exercise then you will be tired and so on.

I know it works cos I am so tired recently and am doing nothing physical atall so need to get back at it.

The walk will be good for you!


25-08-06, 11:13
Well I now have a new worry....

My blood test results came back and the surgery asked I take another blood test straight away. They rang the emergency unit here where I work and they wouldn't do it so I toddle off to the surgery. I'm told I have a low platelet count, 60 instead of around 300 to 400. They said if it drops to around 20 I could spontaneously bleed so they have to take more blood and check if it's still dropping. If it is, I will have to have a transfusion. So as you can imagine I'm feeling rather anxious at this moment in time :(

My platelet result came back as slightly lower so I have to start tests from Tuesday. I made the mistake of having a little google and found that it *can* be associated with lukemia :(

25-08-06, 18:27
Hiya Mark

Ive also been having sore throats and sweats
My platelets are very low also and have to get them redone on Monday
Im scared and feel really really tired too

I hope thet your Dr sorts it out for you and you feel better soon
Best wishes
Hunny x

ps......medication is the commonest reason for low platelet levels,i wish i had that to think about xx

25-08-06, 19:36
Aww hunny I'm sure you'll be fine too... My friend told me tonight that her gran used to get low platelets now and again and she used to have injections for it. It sounds like our symptoms are similar and it also sounds like we are worriers (our own worst enemies) :(. I'm sitting here with my heart racing and am just about to move into a new house but I feel I can't think of anything now incase it's the worst case scenario :(.

Thank you so much for your post....



26-08-06, 10:44
could well be your meds, see your GP sure its nothing more sinister.

26-08-06, 12:56

I hope it all works out and you get the treatment you need soon. Let us know how it goes.


26-08-06, 22:55

I've been reading about the meds on www.antidepressantfacts.com and SSRI's apparently do have an effect on platelets so I guess there could be something in it, I sure do hope so!


Many thanks! I'll let you know how things go!

28-08-06, 13:06
Hi Mark,

I agree with Susie. It is very exhausting being tense all the time. I get exhausted and feel soreness in muscles. Sometimes I feel detached from the world. I have no interest in anything. It's as if I am just floating about. I am not taking any drugs, so that isn't the problem. Stress takes a lot out of you. Have you felt that way since you started taking the medication, or just recently? Are there day that you feel better?
