View Full Version : At it again....

10-12-12, 09:33
....worrying about husband this time instead of me. Sorry if this is too much info.

The other day I came home from work and noticed toilet hadn't been flushed. There was some dark coloured cloudy liquid in it which I think was reddish coloured. I asked him what it was and he said he had been cleaning bathroom (lucky me!) and emptied mop bucket containing bleach/disinfectent/cleaning products. I have't stopped grilling him since then and I think I'm driving him mad. He told me he had noticed his pee was darker earlier (but definitely not red) as he had been drinking loads of strong coffee and felt dehydrated. He thinks it's that he may have poured chemical cocktail onto this turning it a funny colour and forgot to flush.

But i can't stop thinking it's something sinister. It hasn't happened before or since, his pee is normal and he hasn't any other symptoms. This is not reassuring to me as I've Googled (I know, I know but can't help it) and it says no other symptoms is a concern if there's blood in urine. He doesn't think there's a need to go to GP unless something else is evident.
It doesn't help that I'm under considerable stress at the moment (for other reasons - work and family caring responsibilities) and that day we heard that someone we knew had died unexpectedly at a relatively young age. This combination of events usually triggers a HA attack. I'm not sure whether I'm getting things out of proportion or I should be worried. Can anyone help - feeling a bit tearful and weepy at moment :weep: