View Full Version : Knew it wouldnt last

23-08-06, 11:17
Hi All,

I'm off again. The past week has been pure hell for me and my health anxiety. I was doing so well since I got all the blood results and was so pleased with myself. Now my health anxiety is back with a passion and its brought with it a bit of depression cos I cant stop crying. If there really is a heaven when we die and anxiety gets to go there I will gratefully go to hell. There isnt a bit of my body that isnt sore at the moment and I'm shaky with no energy whatsoever. I've got yet another appointment with doctor tomorrow evening and I've absolutely no idea what to say to her without her thinking I've lost the plot. I just wish it would all go away and leave me be. Thanks all again for listening to me moan I'm an eejet me.


Take Care


polly daydream
23-08-06, 13:05
Hi Mandy, sorry you are not feeling to good at the moment, just tell the dr how you are feeling i'm sure she will understand, thats what they are there for. Are you on any medication?

Take care,

Polly x

23-08-06, 13:08
Hi Polly,

Thanks so much for your reply. No I dont take medication but really do think I need something.

Take Care


23-08-06, 13:11
hey mandy me dear!!
Sorry your feeling so crap and dont worry bout the doctor thinkin u have lost the plot- im sure she knows u have already!! lol
I hope u havent googled anything me dear??!! mayb the doc could give u some meds- anything is worth i try!!!
Hope ur ok- member blips are what makes us stronger with this illness, u will get past this me love!!!

23-08-06, 13:15
Hey me Gemma,

God Gemma I laughed cos I so know the doc knows Ive lost the plot lol. I havent googled cos I dont want Lin to remove my arms and legs lol. Im gonna beat this cos I did before and I'll do it again. You are all wonderful and I love ye to bits.xxx

Take Care


23-08-06, 13:15
Bless you, it might be idea to go on meds to see if it helps, it did for me.
like the others said you will get better.

Take care suzanne

s shaw

23-08-06, 13:24
Hope you feel better soon mandy.....ask the doc about meds they may help! luv kaz x

23-08-06, 14:19
Hi Mandy

Sorry you are feeling so yucky.
I have managed without conventional medication for the last 2 years and take SJW, Vit B complex and Omega 3 and it seems to work for me especially if you don't want to go down the medication route, ask your GP about them as I did and she then gave me the choice

Take care

Elaine x

23-08-06, 17:07
Mandy ya nutter!

Oh wow we have really lost it lately haven't we? lol I don't think they would allow us to get pissed if we begged them...too dangerous hehee..

Aww Mandy babes you will get through this, you're a strong chickie and I love yas...and am here for ya.

Take Care of You,


23-08-06, 17:22
Hi Mandy - dont worry - when I first went to the drs with my PAs as soon as I walke din the door I nearly fell into his lap and started wailing and blubbing like a 2 year old - HOW EMBARRESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he just talked to me calmly and was great - so dont worry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what tjey are paid for - to help us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care and good luck.Love wenjoy xx

23-08-06, 17:51

I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling good at the moment, but you are just having a blip, remember the other week when i was at my wits end, and i was crying all the time. and felt i was going to have to go back on my meds, that was a blip for me also, we all have them hun but it just doesnt feel like it at the time.

its a horrible feeling of doom and gloom, with all the aches and pains and feeling that something awful is going to happen.

I know its because you have miised me ssoooooo much because i have been away thats why you are feeling so C......p lol ( just trrying to make you laugh)

speak to you soon hun



23-08-06, 17:52
My Dear Mandy,

So sorry to hear you have been under the weather again. I hope the doctor will be able to reassure you that all is well. If you ever need to moan, I'm here for you. Try and write out how you are feeling before you go see the doctor that will make it easier to explain how you have been feeling this past week, I find that helps when I go for my ailments. Hope you feel better soon. Hang in there hun.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

23-08-06, 18:18
hi mandy sorry you are feeling sooo yuk at the mo!!!we get over one worry and then WHAM!it,s back again!!!hope you get on at the doc,s ok 2moro,when i go to see my doctor she just looks at me as if i,ve lost the plot!!!!perhaps try something herbal first before other meds,it might be worth a try!!!
take care
rachelx x

24-08-06, 10:09
Hi Mandy,

sorry your having it bad again, bl**dy anxiety. Try and see it as a blip and ride it through - you will be ok again and have good days.
Have a chat with your doc, we all think that they think that we have lost the plot?? if you know what i mean lol.
love anx xx

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

24-08-06, 16:53
Hi Mandy,

Sorry your feeling so crap hun. Tis no joke this health anxiety lark huh!

I do understand It's like at the moment I keep getting ear ache I've been Drs but there not really sure what it is. I keep convincing myself I'm going to go deaf though and hubby doesn't help when he says WHAT! LOL .

Anyway I hope you feel better soon just tell the Dr everything that's what they are there for hun.

Here's a link of a book review I did ages ago for Health anxiety tis quite a good book.

BOOK REVIEW! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1260)

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X X X

24-08-06, 17:32
Hi Pips,

Thank you so much for that link I will most defo be buying that book. I cancelled my doctors appointment today. God knows why but I cancelled it anyway. Now I feel like the eejet I am for not just going to doctor.

Take Care


25-08-06, 00:40
hang in there hun.sorry your feelin this way...its prob just a set back and we know how they can make us feel and the doc.oh we wont go there ..lol i feel the same ...like when i walk in they all look and say SHES BACK!!!!!! eh feck it...my prayers and thoughts are with you my friend hang tough hang in there.you are a trooper........love Linda xxxxxxx

25-08-06, 23:18
Don't worry about cancelling the Dr hun. Sometimes that can add to your anxiety huh. Just go if and when you feel you need to. You are so NOT an eejet mate!

Take Care,;)

Love PIP'S X X