View Full Version : Self harm

10-12-12, 14:30
Hi everyone I'm new to this today

I'm going though a bad time at the min I have postnatal depression and started self harming in August but the last 2 weeks iv self harmed 3 times. I cut myself on Saturday really bad with a pair of nail scissor as I was feeling really down and stressed as my little girl wouldn't got to sleep. My boyfriend found out yesterday and was really upset that I had done this.

When I went In to my bathroom I noticed he had hid the scissors, I felt so upset by this I started to panic coz he had moved my thing I use to cope I begged him to give me them back but he won't I feel sick knowing I can't find them.

Is anyone else going though this. it would be nice to talk to someone who understands. X

10-12-12, 14:41
Hi Kimberley

I think it's very important that you speak to your midwife about how you are feeling. There is so much they can do with PND these days rather than suffering in silence and self harming. It's nothing to be ashamed of so please speak to someone hun.


10-12-12, 14:47
I'm on anti depressants but they really don't seem to be working I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow so hopefully she can give me something to feel better x

10-12-12, 14:53
They may change the medication. I really feel for you because I suffered from it too so know first hand just how damn awful it is. Please be honest with the doctor and tell them just how bad it is because it may decipher the strength of meds they give you.


10-12-12, 15:07
Yeah I think I need new tablets I was getting better but I just seem to be getting worse now x

10-12-12, 15:27
Let us know how you get on tomorrow hun. x

10-12-12, 15:32
Will do thank you x

10-12-12, 19:14
Sorry to hear you are going through this. I agree with the other posters that it's a good idea to go back to the doctor's as it sounds like your medication isn't working any more.

Is this your first baby? Let us know how you get on at the doctor's tomorrow.

It may also be a good idea to ask your doctor about counselling or CBT if you think that would help you to learn safer coping methods. I've also got a link to some tips in my forum signature below about things which are helping me with my anxiety.

Sending hugs. :hugs:

10-12-12, 19:44
I have been selfharming for several years on and off my counsellor said if you got the urges to squeeze some ice or put an elastic band around your wrist and snap it also there is the butterfly project the old me about. You have to draw a butterfly where you want to cut and if you cut on it the butterfly dies and it should help you to stop hope if helps give it a try

11-12-12, 18:05
Been giving more tablets from my doctor got to got back next week to see how I'm doing.

I also told my mam and sister they are trying so hard to understand but I don't think they do but they are going to support me x

11-12-12, 18:30
Hi, i've been self harming over 11 years :( its getting easier but i still have my slip ups. Please try everything possible not to do it, because after a while you'll start using self harm as a coping mechanism for more and more things and it just spirals, it really does. If you wanna chat just PM me, sadly ive got a lot of experiennce on the subject, so if you do just PM.
I hope you start to feel better soon, anti-ds generslly take at least a fortnight to work. Takecare