View Full Version : A new problem everyday

10-12-12, 15:25
Seriously I am doing my own head in. Every day for the last 4 weeks I have been freaking myself out and even when I tell myself to stop asking dr google I just cant help myself, I have diagnosed myself with several life threatening illnesses over the last few weeks its insane. I have migraines and convinced myself I had a tumor but the medicine has helped so suddenly my eyes hurt, maybe its another illness. I break out in tiny red spots all over my arms , chest and neck and even though blood tests were normal and doc not really bothered I am convinced I am dying. Google has taken over the rational me, today I realised there may be a link between the splinter hemorrages in my nails and the red spots all over me, its obviously a nasty heart disease that is killing me! I am loosing a fighting battle with my own mind. Yes the pills the doc gave me have helped and I am not walking around crying all the time but I am still a mess inside. I don't understand the red spots on my arms I am confused and the doc doesn't care about them. My anxiety is through the roof and my kids are starting to notice something isn't right. I need to break the habit. The morning I wake up and believe everything is fine I suddenly ache somewhere else and of course that means cancer and my mood drops and out comes the laptop to diagnose myself again.........arrrrrrrggggghhhhh:weep:

11-12-12, 04:23
Aww I'm sorry you're having such a tough time hun.

Please, I know it's really hard, but please stop looking up Dr Google, he has a habit of giving you the wrong information, remember hun, Dr Google is in cyber space, he can't see you, speak to you or examine you, he can just give lists of symptoms, lists of illnesses and lots of mind boggling facts and figures.

The problem is hun, if we're feeling really anxious and frightened or depressed we tend to pick up all the negative stuff and we tend to feed ourselves with even more fear than we started with.

The little pin prick, red spots you describe are very common, I have them on my chest and abdomen. I was like you when they first appeared and I went to my doctor and she told me they were nothing to worry about and the fact that your blood test results were good and your doctor is not worried means that all is well hun:)

Some ideas to help you hun, distraction is the word.

When you feel you want to go to Dr Google, tell yourself NO!! and then do something quickly to take your mind off of it. You have your children hun and it's nearly Christmas so how about doing something nice to do with Christmas with them? Make some snowmen out of cotton wool and stick eyes and mouth on, make some Christmas decorations with them, my kids used to love doing that:) It will give you and the children something nice to do and will stop your worrying thoughts.

I hope what I've said has helped a bit, I know it's really hard, but just try to keep occupied and say NO! to Dr Google:):hugs:

11-12-12, 21:27
Thank you that's a really nice reply. I saw my doc today again and she reassured me the dots are fine and even showed me some on her which made me feel a lot better. I have suffered with depression and anxiety for so many years but it seems to spike around this time of year for some reason. You are right this time of year I should be filling my head with thoughts of fun things to do with my little ones, thank you x