View Full Version : SPIDER INDUCED PANIC!!!

23-08-06, 12:05
Hi Everyone, had the worst experience about an hour ago,went into my lounge and there was a huge spider on the wall!!! I dont like spiders but can deal with small ones but this one was HUGE!!! Phoned my long suffering other half to come home from work and he put it out in next doors garden(they are on holiday). He has gone back to work now and i cant stop shaking,having palpitations,sweaty hands and feel awful!!! Im convinced the flipping thing will come back again!!! Not sure of the purpose of this post just want someone to tell me im not mad i guess!!! Thanks for listening luv kaz x

23-08-06, 12:38
Kaz, sorry mate, but you are MAD.:D hehehe

Seriously though, many people (didn't say women!!) are frightened of spiders, especially big ones, so don't feel bad about it.
Make a cuppa tea and arm yourself with a big stick.

I wonder if Boris the Spider will be waiting to greet your neighbours on return? [}:)][Yeah!]

PS. Hope you don't find any eight legged friends when camping:)


23-08-06, 12:49
Thanks Dave, that made me laugh!!! I cant kill anything not even spiders so big stick option no good!!! Dont want to go camping .... hadent considered the spider aspect till now!!! Will pm you later luv kaz x

23-08-06, 17:18
Hi Kazzie - dont blame you for being scared - me too!"!!
I always sit on the sofa with my feet off the floor and a large glass so if one comes near me I cover it up with a glass and leave it there til hubby comes home int he evening to deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love wenjoy x

23-08-06, 17:19
I can't even get close enough to them to drop a glass over them [:I]


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

23-08-06, 18:18
WIMPS!! .... the lot of ya ! lol;)


PS. 8 hairy legs are better than 2 hairy legs

23-08-06, 18:34
you are horrid dave lol!!! kaz x

23-08-06, 22:38

Have you seen that spray that you spray around the areas that spiders use to get in and it deters them?


23-08-06, 23:01
kaz, listen to this. i was on the pc one night when i saw not one, but about 30 tiny weeny spiders dotted about the area. everywhere i looked there was one lol i freaked out BIG time and they were so small! couldnt sleep that night and yet you could hardly see them. and yes-i squashed every one of them lol
you are not alone :)x oh and fly spray works wonder :D